Combating Anti-Social Behavior

Anurag Sengupta
Ayuda NGO
Published in
3 min readApr 2, 2021

Anti-social behavior are acts that violate the basic rights of others. Physical assault, deceptive acts, duplicity and manipulating others for personal gain. These are some characteristic traits for Anti-social behavior. Most of the times the people are not able to recognize that it has caused harm to others. Thus they do not feel any kind of guilt after their actions. It ends up to be a cycle of misery and a constant struggle for who fall victims to it in a daily or periodic basis.

A Traumatic Childhood: Most of the problems in this world start to arise from messed up beginnings. This is no different since the roots of anti-social behavior establishes its growth from a troubled childhood. Relationships with others shape how our brain grows and develops. Often abuse and neglect to children in their early stages of childhood causes anxiety, fear and distrust towards the society.

Progression: A key factor that is observed is that gradually, people lose control on their social coordination and skills. They start perceiving the society and their environment as threats. Later this stage proceeds to antisocial behaviors that we have talked about.

Causes: Insufficient education, family problems, negative peer pressure, chronic health problems, bad experiences, daily or periodic abuse, and long term neglect are few reasons which are responsible.

Effect: Drug and alcohol abuse, repetition of abuse to the next generation, irritability, physical or mental assault, anger management issues, reckless driving, blaming others and many more traits like these can be observed.

How can we make the situation better?

The most important thing to keep in mind is having patience. This word can change a person from a 0 to 100. This is applicable for both parties; the people who deal with sociopathy and the others who want to help them.

It is all about breaking the cycle of distrust and fear on both sides. It is not an easy task but not impossible as well. However, one must be extremely dedicated and cautious while dealing with anti-social people.

For a personalized care: One can just offer to be a faithful friend. Again, trust plays a vital role here and if broken, the behaviors might start showing a pattern of regression which is not a desirable situation. Believe in yourself, proceed with caution and trust which might just help with budding of some positive attitudes or behaviors.

For a more professional care: There are various kinds of therapies that are available. These methods take a considerable amount of time but if followed regularly, it can reduce sociopathic behavior and develop a positive mindset over a span of two to five years.

(Please take guidance from professional psychologists and psychiatrists only)

Psychotherapy: A method where the mental condition of the person is changed in a positive manner through the help of conversations. The aim of this therapy is mainly to help with anger and violence management, substance abuse and other mental health conditions. Generally, there are no specific medications for treating anti-social behavior but however according to the severity of the case certain drugs might be prescribed with caution

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: Studies have shown that CBT is a good method to reduce behaviors like recidivism (act of a person repeating an undesirable behavior after they have either experienced negative consequences of that behavior) in people. The aim of the therapy is to change the patterns of negative thinking. It has been successful with people who had an addiction for drugs like cocaine.

In the end we can conclude that with the help of patience, more social and scientific experiments we will be able to improve the situation and contribute to a peaceful society.

