Effect of eating honey and ghee (clarified butter) together according to Ayurveda

Published in
1 min readJan 6, 2023

For centuries, honey and ghee have been used as food and medicine, both are excellent sources of nutrients for health.

Ghee and honey shouldn’t be taken equally according to Ayurveda because they are part of a Virudha diet that can lead to health problems.

Nevertheless, honey and ghee can be consumed in odd or unequal amounts according to Ayurveda.

Photo by Kobby Mendez on Unsplash

Ayurveda offers a wealth of information about the benefits, qualities, and consumption of honey.

The consumption of honey with hot veerya (the liquid that produces a hot effect) has been prohibited in ayurveda for centuries.

It is not recommended that honey be cooked or heated, nor should it be consumed with hot liquids.

Ayurveda also warns against devouring honey in excess. If consumed in excess and not digested properly, honey may lead to the formation of Ama (food undigested that shows toxic effects).

A study conducted on heated honey revealed that when combined with ghee, it produces HMF that may act as a poison in due course (Ushnam cha samagrutham madhu marayati).

