How does one overcome lust, anger, and greed?

Published in
2 min readJan 6, 2023
Photo by rade nugroho on Unsplash


If a person is tempted by something, he gets away from the essential goal of life. He is ready to fulfill his desire effectively without considering right or wrong.


Greed compels man to desire to an ever-increasing extent, and that leads him to material pleasures and he does not live in the deep world. Attachment to material pleasures separates man from God.


It destroys love and sympathy. Anger makes a man tough. He is not kind to other people. Angry individuals cannot understand others’ feelings and thoughts. Resentment hinders the ability to cherish and be respected.

Three gates are leading to the hell of self-destruction for the soul — lust, anger, and greed. Therefore, all should abandon these three.- Bhagavad Gita

Keep your temper under control; it is foolish to harbour a grudge.”- Bible

“Don’t give in to worry or anger; it only leads to trouble.” — Bible

Both the scripture explains clearly that…

If a person is lustful, greedy, and remains angry, next this drives to the hell of self-destruction or it only leads to trouble. His / Her life is ended in the knowledge that the person can nevermore be peaceful, joyful, and happy with his / her life.

Lust, Anger, and Greed are the root element of almost every particular problem in a particular life. These should not be overpowering you instead should be in control.

By keeping Lust, greed, and anger in control, our existence will become pure.

There is a bit of easy advice given in Epic Mahabharata’s division of Udyoga Parva regarding overcoming these enemies.

Conquer anger by calmness; evil by good; miserliness by charity and lies by truth — Mahabharata section Udyoga Parva

