AZ Fundchain App Sneak peek

We believe the best apps are the ones which are the easiest to use with minimal explanations needed. Similarly a good Blockchain App is one where the user doesn’t even know they are using the blockchain. Simplicity and user friendliness were the two core aspects we concentrated on while making the AZFundchain app.

AZ Internet
AZ Fundchain Blog
4 min readApr 17, 2019


Screenshots from the beta version of the AZ Fundchain app.

AZ Fundchain app allows users to run money circle’s (ROSCA) and crowdfunding campaigns on the blockchain using multiple cryptocurrency coins as medium of transfer.

AZ Fundchain gives everyone access to interest free credit through the ROSCA system. It helps everyone achieve their savings goals & is fully powered by their personal networks.

In a way AZ Fundchain is all about banking & saving along with friends, families and your community.

A brief explanation of our AZ Fundchain app and the vision behind it can be understood from the introductory video below.

Our product is built based on the Ethereum blockchain. In this space you have to build for the future, but sometimes what we need is not something new, sometimes we just have to perfect something that already exists. So for our app that is exactly what we are doing. We build a donor curated fundraising application that accepts donations in cryptocurrency. We help you invest ethically and support promising projects and individuals.

Keeping the user facing front end of the app very simple and letting the complicated backend of the app on the blockchain not make things difficult for the users to use was the primary focus for our UI / UX team, and seeing the beta version of the app which has been completed we feel our team has done a great job to make the app as user friendly as possible.

Login screenshots from the beta version of the AZ Fundchain app.

We have a very simple and strong signup procedure. We have kept the login path for the users as simple and relatable as possible to the most common apps they use but at the same time we have a strong verification process. Our app is completely based on the Ethereum blockchain and the cryptocurrency we support in our app currently is Ethereum(ETH) and AZ Token (AZT) which is our native token. Starting from KYC/AML verification as well as google authentication and verification(optional), security vulnerabilities are avoided within the participants side.

AZ Token is an ERC20 based utility token which fuels the AZ Fundchain platform. The fees collected on the platform is done using the AZ Token. Also the AZToken can be used to run money circle’s and crowdfunding campaigns in the app as a medium along with ETH. In both the cases the fees are charged using AZT. There will ever be 30,000,000 AZ Tokens. AZ token is a non-inflationary utility token. No other AZ tokens can be minted.

Creating circle screenshots from the beta version of the AZ Fundchain app.

Platform users are free to join or make their own money circle which are gradually updated on their circles screen, KYC/AML process verification being the only requirement. Money circle can either be organized depending on the needs and preferences of the participants. Organizer have to send invitations for others to join the circles created.

Once the invitation is accepted they can coordinate other details with the users through a simple chat interface. Once the date for the deposit into the circle arrives all the users are automatically notified through the app and the user who has to receive the payout can publish the public key in the chat. All other participants can then send the designated amount in the designated cryptocurrency to the receiver’s address.

Wallet screenshots from the beta version of the AZ Fundchain app.

The wallet in the applications allow users to send and receive the designated cryptocurrencies easily without any friction. AZ Fundchain provides a user with wallet address that can be used to manage Ethereum, AZ Token and all other tokens which will be made available in the app in the future.

The Beta version of the AZ Fundchain app is currently being tested in selected groups and using the feedback from the users we are working on perfecting the details to guarantee a better, safer and simplified experience for everyone. The Beta version of the app will be made available for the public very soon.

Become a part of our project via AZ Token. Learn more about the project at

Follow us on our official social media channels for the latest updates on our project.








AZ Internet
AZ Fundchain Blog

We build products on #blockchain that enable decentralized finance which have a positive social impact.