Why “AZA”?

Stephany Zoo
Published in
2 min readOct 22, 2019

“Reflect” in Swahili. “Powerful” in Arabic. “Strength” in Hebrew. “Money” in Nigerian slang. We are now giving AZA a new meaning — the potential of frontier markets. Frontier markets are dynamic, a lush field for innovation and growth — with the right kind of inputs. We are showing the world how fast businesses in frontier markets can grow with the right infrastructure and interpretation. AZA is about exchange — both currency and culture, about increasing both access and liquidity to exciting emerging regions.

Africa is seen “developing” and we see that as a good thing! Developing is the opposite of stagnation, as our previous motto encouraged our customers and partners — “Move with Africa.” Now we are not just about moving at this pace of this incredible continent, but we’re here to “Accelerate Africa.”

Just like our name, finance, especially in frontier markets, doesn’t have to be complicated. It can be direct, and efficient, focused on delivering what is best for the customer. Having the appropriate answers and insightfully engaging is not simply a service promise, but part of our an intrinsic philosophy. We move fast in creating products and iterating for the best features for our customers.

Ultimately, beyond the name, AZA is a call to action — to recognize the hustle, to understand the need, and to create something utterly unique and explosive. Aza is our rooting into Africa, and dedication to go beyond.

Welcome to AZA.

