How Arizona legislators sapped citizen initiatives: Bit by bit

Published in
7 min readApr 22, 2017
Efforts four years ago to tighten citizen direct democracy failed. But most are now state law — or will be soon.(Photo: The Republic)

The fate of a wide-ranging package of election changes shows the value of the “try, try, try again approach.”

Mary Jo Pitzl , The Republic |

Four years ago, Arizona lawmakers passed an ambitious plan to curb citizen initiatives and make other substantial changes to elections. They said new rules were needed to reduce voter fraud and streamline elections.

That didn’t sell with a coalition of citizen groups. They called the bill voter suppression, and set out to block it. They scrambled, circulated petitions and got the bill referred to the 2014 ballot, where the state’s voters could decide whether to keep it on the books or toss it.

Coalition members were confident voters would kill it. So were lawmakers. When they returned to the Capitol for work in early 2014, they repealed the measure and thus removed the issue from the ballot.

Despite what looked like a defeat a few years ago, many of the proposals in the repealed measure are now state law. Others may soon be: Two of three bills tightening the rules on citizen initiatives were recently signed into law by Gov. Doug Ducey; a third is likely to win approval before the Legislature closes its 2017 session.

“It’s best to do things separately.”

House Speaker J.D. Mesnard

The experience of 2013’s legislation shows the power of a different strategy: Enacting changes one by one, even if it takes a number of years, can get to the same result.

“It’s best to do things separately,” said House Speaker J.D. Mesnard, R-Chandler, especially when it comes to election bills.

When everything is put into one package, it’s easy to pick it apart and, ultimately, defeat it, he said. Mesnard should know: He is a veteran of the 2013 fight and has supported this year’s trio of bills. The changes are almost universally supported by Republicans and opposed by Democrats.

Sandy Bahr has been on the citizen end of the initiative battles, helping run campaigns and lobbying against the restrictions lawmakers have added to the process.

“It’s arrogant, it’s disrespectful,” said Bahr, the Sierra Club’s local representative. “They’re trying to make it more difficult to challenge.”

Piece by piece

Two bills tightening the rules on citizen initiatives were recently signed into law by Gov. Doug Ducey. (Photo: The Republic)

The piecemeal approach started two years ago, and four major components of the original 2013 legislation are now law:

Supporters hailed it as an end to “ballot harvesting,” a process they said could lead to the hijacking and non-counting of ballots. Critics said it disenfranchises voters who hold on to their mail-in ballots until it’s too late to mail them back.

MORE ON BILLS:GOP: Initiative bills ‘protect the process’

The Democratic National Committee and various Democratic candidates sued over the issue after last year’s presidential-preference election, setting off a series of court rulings and appeals. Although the U.S. Supreme Court kept the law in place for last fall’s election, a lawsuit challenging its constitutionality is scheduled for a hearing before the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in June.

  • Ballot qualification: In 2015, the Legislature broadened the threshold of signatures needed for a candidate to appear on the ballot. That made it much harder for third-party candidates to qualify. It applies to races ranging from Congress to local offices.
  • Strict compliance for recalls: In 2015, the Legislature required strict legal compliance for recall elections, which can reduce a judge’s discretion in resolving any challenge to the recall.
  • Strict compliance for initiatives: This was tried in 2013, again in 2015 and finally succeeded in 2017. On Friday, Ducey signed House Bill 2244 into law. Supporters say strict compliance ensures that any law proposed by citizen groups follows a rigorous process meant to eliminate fraud. But critics say it’s a thinly veiled attempt to disqualify initiative petitions on technicalities, such as an incorrect font size.

Headed for success

Other parts of that 2013 legislation are proposed in Senate Bill 1236, which is awaiting a final vote in the Senate. That could come as early as this week.

  • Liability: It would make a political committee proposing an initiative liable for any violation a paid petition-circulator might commit. The fine could be as high as $1,000 per violation.
  • Grouping of petitions: Initiative petitions would have to be grouped by the name of the circulator so election officials can track any circulator’s work.
  • Disclosure: A required statement on the official election publicity pamphlet would declare that a citizen initiative, if approved, could not be changed unless three-quarters of the Legislature agrees. Even then, any changes must advance the intent of the policy, not erode it.

One key provision of the 2013 legislation has not returned: allowing elections officials to remove people from the permanent early-voting list if they have not voted in two consecutive primary-general cycles.

New restrictions coming

In addition to rerunning many of the 2013 provisions, lawmakers have added numerous other rules to the initiative process.

These range from more restrictions on paid circulators (but not volunteers) to a subpoena process for tracking down itinerant circulators and having them return to an Arizona courtroom to attest that they properly collected signatures. These new technical requirements are part of SB 1236.

Later this year, a bill Ducey signed in March will take effect. It bans the practice of paying petition circulators by the signature, a key goal of business groups still chafing from the success of last fall’s minimum-wage ballot measure.

Ducey called it a “common-sense” election reform that will eliminate fraud committed by circulators eager to earn money; critics complained it removes the incentive for circulators to gather voter signatures on initiative petitions and will drive up the cost of citizen efforts to bring an issue to the ballot.

A work-around on voter protections

Sen. Debbie Lesko sponsored House Bill 2244, which imposes a “strict compliance” legal standard on measures that citizen groups want to bring to the ballot. (Photo: David Wallace/The Republic)

To some observers, the piece-by-piece emergence of this year’s initiative bills smacked of a strategy.

Sen. Debbie Lesko, R-Peoria, sponsored one of the bills that added initiative changes and that appeared late in the session. Another of her bills became the vehicle for a related initiative measure. Asked by The Arizona Republic if this was part of a larger plan, she said she was unsure.

“Ask the chamber,” Lesko said.

The Arizona Chamber of Commerce and Industry, along with other business groups, lobbied hard for this year’s bills, emerging as the primary — and at times, only — group speaking in favor of them at legislative hearings.

SEE ALSO:Do lawmakers want to stop citizen-passed laws?

Rep. Vince Leach, R-Tucson, said he turned to the chamber for help when he became frustrated that the Voter Protection Act blocked him from making changes to Arizona’s voter-approved medical-marijuana program. Something, he said, had to be done.

Voter approval last fall of a 50 percent increase in the state’s minimum wage by 2020 was for many the final straw. The result was Leach’s legislation, which later was broken into three bills.

Like the chamber lobbyists, Leach and other Republican lawmakers maintain the citizen-initiative process is vulnerable to fraud, justifying the tighter standards. They worry petition standards make it easy for ineligible people to sign a citizen initiative.

“As a body, the Legislature doesn’t like it when the people speak, except when they elect them.” — Joe Yuhas, political strategist

Sarah Michelson, who was the field director for the 2013 referendum campaign against initiative changes, said this year’s bills clearly were coordinated. She called it a continuation of a “death by a thousand cuts” to shut down citizen voices and circumvent the Voter Protection Act.

The ironclad protections of the act are precisely why citizen initiatives must be held to strict standards, lawmakers say.

Rep. Eddie Farnsworth, R-Mesa, has supported strict compliance for years. He said critics who paint this year’s legislation as an assault on direct democracy are overstating the danger. But, he said, there is the need to have clear and strict guidelines on initiatives, some of which come from groups that “want to be quick, down and dirty” in an effort to get something on the ballot.

Joe Yuhas, who says he has been involved in 50-plus ballot-measure campaigns in Arizona as a political strategist, sees another motive.

“As a body, the Legislature doesn’t like it when the people speak, except when they elect them,” Yuhas said. He and other critics note the number of citizen-driven ballot initiatives in recent years has shrunk: only two measures in 2016 and 2012, none in 2014.

A decade ago, in 2006, there were 10.

As the bills have advanced with near-unanimous Republican support, strategies are swirling on how to challenge them if all three become law. There is talk of referring them back to the ballot, launching a citizen initiative to rework the laws, suing and targeting key lawmakers in the 2018 elections.

Mesnard, the House speaker, expects the issue will not end when the Legislature wraps its session in the coming weeks.

“It’ll be a battle at the ballot,” he said.

Reach the reporter at and follow her on Twitter @maryjpitzl.


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This article was originally published on at 5:07 a.m. April 16, 2017. Read it here.

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