The Answer to Task and Teamwork in Evernote

Why productivity never happens by accident.

Greg Lefort
Azendoo Team


A few weeks ago, we introduced our Evernote integration in the Azendoo mobile application, but you know we couldn’t stop there! That’s why we’ve been thinking about how we could bring even more value to Azendoo and Evernote users alike.

Today, we’re SO excited to announce that we are launching a brand new integration that helps you improve your workflow management. Why? because you can not only capture and copy your Evernote tasks, but now you also keep them in sync with a dedicated task management application and can assign them to teammates.

Starting today, our new task-sync integration turns your Evernote to-do lists into dynamic, advanced tasks and team collaboration.

So whats in it for you

Azendoo gives you immediate personal benefits:

  • Capture any Evernote to-do list into Azendoo’s task sharing app
  • Dynamically sync all status updates, from, and to Evernote
  • Enrich your to-do lists with external content (Google Docs, Evernote Notes, Box, Dropbox),
  • Add priorities, deadlines, repetitions, etc.

Azendoo adds collaboration to your Evernote to-do-lists:

  • Turn an Evernote to-do list into collaborative teamwork tasks
  • Create a discussion with teammates around each task
  • Assign Tasks to teammates & follow progress in your Evernote Note

Our vision

Paul J. Meyers said: “Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort.”

We share Paul’s view and chose to partner with the awesome Evernote team because they designed their application in a smart and intuitive way. No wonder they have such a high quality user community.

Evernote users do all kind of stuff with their awesome app, but one thing they have not yet been able to achieve is transforming Notes into an advanced to-do (task) list. That’s where Azendoo comes into action and we have decided to put forth the effort in order to deliver not just a copy of your Evernote to-do list in the Azendoo application, but true collaboration around your tasks. That’s our core business and our contribution to the Evernote community.

Both Azendoo and Evernote are committed to make this world a better more productive place. With this integration, we empower our users to work smarter, better and faster.

Try it and let us know how we can make it even better in the future.

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