WoW — Tauren Rogue Faction

Ekrem Atamer
Azerothian Archives
4 min readOct 27, 2017

Here is a faction for World of Warcraft: Tauren Rogues, moved from my previous, private blog. This was sort of a challenge, to see if I can come up with a way to justify the Rogue class with the Tauren race.

Grimtotem Tribe had never been in good terms with the leaders’ Bloodhoof Tribe. However, following Magatha’s treason during Garrosh and Cairne’s mak’gora, the strained relationship transformed into open hostility.

Unknown to many, some Grimtotems were neither aware or nor supportive of Magatha’s dark ambitions. They were simply born into this tribe, without a choice and their tolerance for it was extinguished after the betrayal and they decided the tribe could no longer be their home.

They were too proud to face Baine after everything that happened. Eventhough they weren’t part of the conspiracy, they still felt guilty for previous sins of the past that they stayed silent against. For this reason, they abandoned the name Grimtotem and trusted themselves to Earth Mother to atone for their crimes and discover their new identity and to Mu’sha to cover their shame.

With no home to go, no allies to trust and no name of their own, they had to adapt and use whatever they had at hand to survive their self-exile in the dangerous lands of Kalimdor. While Tauren were a nomadic race, the ones-without-name dismissed most of their teachings, in this journey of shame and exploration.

They had a stock of poison and poisoned weapons. The ones-without-name began working on different types of poisons and chemicals, usually learning from nature. From the predators that keep their prey in stock for a long time, they learned making liquids that preserved meat. Using various animals venoms, they mastered the poisons of paralysis to aid in hunting.

Few in number, massive in stature, the tauren needed to hide during hunting with their new tools. It was no easy task but their honor called for a determination that fed their patience through countless failures. Using their druidic bonds as well, they started making progress. While they weren’t using exactly druidic magic, their primal natural bonds and knowledge of nature allowed them to make the best of the minor illusions they were capable of.

While they were no longer Magatha’s Grimtotem, they were still a deadly and aggressive force. The ones-without-name had begun embracing this life-style and shared personal wisdom with each other.

On a fateful day following their initial embrace, they observed an Alliance party headed for Mulgore. It was a large group including Kirin-Tor mages, Stormwind Knights, Gnome engineers, Dwarven Riflemen and Draenei Priests. The-ones-without-name reckoned the destination was Camp Narache. They knew they wouldn’t be able to stop them, but they could also not simply stand and watch.

A messenger was deployed to warn Thunder Bluff and Camp Narache, despite not knowing how the reaction would be. The rest stalked the party and tried to spot weaknesses. The Alliance group was making a move earlier than anticipated. The nameless clan decided there was only one course of action: Make a single, unexpected attack all together and hope the chaos will be noticed by Thunder Bluff patrols.

When the Alliance party decided to stop and take a short recess, the-ones-without-name attacked. Their unusual way of blending with nature, especially unexpected in Tauren lands, had caught the Alliance completely off-guard. Many were slain in the first blitz without having a chance to defend themselves. However, the enemy weren’t rookies. They picked back up swiftly and hit back at the Tauren. Outnumbered, outgunned and overwhelmed, the Tauren started falling one by one. Despite their defeat seemed obvious, each of them took at least some enemies down before they fell, smiling, feeling they fulfilled their atonement.

After a short period, the warring factions were paused due to what seemed to be a mild earthquake. It took them seconds to find out the reason: Dozens of Kodos, carrying Tauren on their backs were riding toward the scene at full gallop, led by none other than the Chieftain Baine Bloodhoof.

The scene reversed the sense of the battle: The Tauren were reinvigorated with an indescribable sense of glory while the Alliance saw no way out of the conflict.

The rest of the battle was pretty one-sided. The surrendering Alliance troops were taken in and the rest of them fought to their deaths.

The entrance of Mulgore was covered in the blood of fallen, Alliance and Tauren alike.

Baine summoned the rest of the tribe leaders in Thunder Bluff and together they talked with Bennara, the leader of the nameless ones. She explained everything that happened, hiding nothing of their initial shame and humbly sharing their fulfillment of atonement. As they blossomed to a new life in the wake of the blood that was spilled, they were named the Bloodblossom Tribe and joined the Thunder Bluff and the Horde.

While their methods were questioned, their loyalty was an example to all Tauren and in time, they taught the other Tauren of their ways.



Ekrem Atamer
Azerothian Archives

Gamer, gaming industry wanderer, development and design enthusiast. Current WIP: TBD