A new watch customisation experience

Published in
5 min readSep 17, 2020


Undone is a boutique luxury watch brand based in Hong Kong, It offers premium quality customisable time pieces at affordable price by cutting the middleman & shipping it directly to your door steps


The watch customising experience both on desktop / mobile was not designed to be as intuitive as it could have been, It takes 29 clicks to complete the experience & on mobile it get’s even worse — I mean the overall experience

You can visit undone’s current desktop / mobile experience here

Responsive Design

Responsive Design > Best practices


Based on the current breakpoints set up anything above / or 1440px in width is considered as the desktop version, As google recommends it based on their material guidelines here

But to cater devices like Acer Chromebook, Samsung Chromebook, Apple MacBook Air 11-inch, We will be sticking to 1280px as the start of the desktop version since their popularity is still high, See here


Based on the current breakpoints set up anything above / or 360px in width is considered as a mobile version, As google recommends it based on their material guidelines here

But to cater devices like iPhone 3Gs, We will be sticking to 320px as the start of the mobile version


Desktop > 1280px — Beyond > Flexible columns

Anything from 1280px — beyond is considered as desktop experience

  • The left side of the the layout contains the actual product image & will stick during scroll, Making sure you get you an instant preview of all the changes
  • Reassurance factors like ( Free shipping / 1 year warranty / 14 days returns ) is always visible to build trust
  • The hierarchy has been re-worked to make sure that the actual customisation experience is as real as possible


Mobile > 320px — 1279px > Flexible columns

Anything from 320–1279px is considered as mobile experience

The experience for the mobile stays the same with minor amendments to preview the customised watch as you move along the process, Making use of the less screen real estate yet keeping the whole experience cohesive


Undone > Results

More than 59% of clicks or taps have been reduced

Seriously, That’s alot.. Not to brag you, Happy watch customising experience…

Thinking process

Below are some of my thought process when working on this assignment, I’m covering some basic stuffs like colour, grids, type & component interations to give you a better overview


Undone > Colours

Colours are cornerstone of a brand & It distingushes and helps to create consistent digital experiences, We use colours in meaningful ways in all expressions of the brand

The current UI design uses just 2 colours to make sure that the focus is on the actual product within the relevant mediums ( Print / Web )& not the other way around


Undone > Grids

Grids serves as the framework for a page’s layout. Think of it as a skeleton on which a designer could organise / align all graphic elements

The current grid is designed to be flexible

Columns are designed to be in %, Making sure the layout scales to the actual width of the customers screen

Margins ( Vertical space outside the layout ) & Gutters ( Vertical space within the layout in-between the columns ) are designed to be fixed at all mediums to stay consistent

A Baseline grid ( Horizontal space )of 16px has been used to adapt to the 8pt grid systems

Long theory short…

Since majority of the device resolutions are divisible by 8, It is recommened to keep all your spacing values like font sizes, component sizes, line height, etc.. to be divisible 8 as it works best across all the possible devices


Undone > Type

Noto, which aims to support all languages with a harmonious look and feel, It also helps to make the web more beautiful across platforms for all languages.

Currently, Noto covers over 30 scripts, and will cover all of Unicode in the future, Brands like IKEA have started using it as their preferred choice

Other components

Undone > Other components

These are some of the other components being used with in the whole design & along with their interaction design patterns which was used


This a personal project done with love for the brand ( Undone ), the industry ( Fashion / E-commerce ) & craft( Product Design )

I found this opportunity by visiting their website & thought they were lacking in this area and could have possibly improved

Azhar — That’s me :)

Azhar is the Product designer based in Hong Kong, Who builds experiences for websites / products / mobile apps / SaaS & enterprise softwares using end — end customer centric approach

Research — Design — Feedbacks — Repeat



Design projects


