Summer internships at Azimo

Start your software engineering career with us!

Mirek Stanek


At Azimo, we value people over patents and knowledge sharing over rockstar engineers. Teamwork and learning are what keep a company fast and agile, not fancy algorithms.

We put a lot of effort into empowering our teams and democratising data. Everybody has access to the same tools and the same information, from business performance to customer behaviour. All new joiners are assigned their own mentor, who is available to guide them and answer their questions.

We share our experience and knowledge publicly. Here on the Azimo Labs blog, in open source projects and at conferences (e.g. Mobiconf, GDG DevFest) and meet-ups.

Last year, Azimo launched an internship program for aspiring software engineers. We met dozens of great candidates who were keen to start their career with us (thank you! 😎). Two candidates, Olek and Kuba, spent their entire summer with us, shipping production code and learning from the team on a daily basis. You can read there stories here and here).

We “coding veterans” also benefited from the program. New ideas and fresh eyes inspired us to rethink solutions and to simplify the entry level of our platforms and codebases — which resulted in faster code delivery. We also learned how to teach. And teaching, after all, is the best way to learn.

Most importantly, after three months of hard work and cooperation, we welcomed Kuba and Olek to Azimo as junior software engineers in the Azimo mobile apps team.

And we don’t want to stop there, which is why we’re delighted to announce that the summer internship program will take place again this year. As with last year, our interns will work on the Azimo platform’s production code. Participants will develop or test software, improve their engineering craft and skills by building and maintaining a product that is used around the world.

The following positions are available:

  • Android software engineer intern in the mobile team
  • iOS software engineer intern in the mobile team
  • Test engineer intern in the client-side teams (mobile + frontend team)
  • Two test engineer interns in the backend team

The program

As a member of the engineering team, you will work on the same daily problems and challenges that our full-time engineers face. You will be part of the entire delivery process, from shaping an idea on a whiteboard to coding, testing, shipping to production and fixing bugs. At the end of the program, you will share your experience in a blog post and/or open source project.

You will be paid monthly and will have some time off to enjoy your summer. You will be equipped with everything you need to work efficiently — computers, mobile devices and a dedicated mentor to help you solve problems and overcome challenges.


The entry requirements for the program are listed below. If you have these skills, you’ll understand enough to cooperate with the team and be able to focus on your development as a software engineer.

While the list of requirements might seem long, we believe that a good computer science student can acquire these skills in six months with materials that are available online to everyone, free of charge (just check Coursera, Udacity or any other MOOC service).


  • You are familiar with Object Oriented Programming, you know (and know how to use) some basic algorithms and data structures.
  • You know Java or Kotlin (we use both).
  • You know some basics of Android development. You have built your first Android app.
  • You know how to build unit tests.
  • You know how to use Git repository (Good starting points: Github tutorial, Learn Git Branching).

Nice to have

  • You are familiar with Firebase.
  • Your code is available on a public git repository.
  • You are doing/have done an online apps programming course (e.g. on Udacity or Coursera).
  • You understand architectural patterns like MVC, MVP or MVVM.


  • You are familiar with Object Oriented Programming. You know (and know how to use) some basic algorithms and data structures.
  • (iOS) You know Objective-C or Swift (we use both).
  • (iOS) you know iOS basics. You have built your first iOS app.
  • You know how to build unit tests.
  • You know how to use Git repository (Good starting points: Github tutorial, Learn Git Branching).

Nice to have

  • You are familiar with Firebase.
  • Your code is available on public git repository.
  • You have been doing online apps programming course (e.g. on Udacity or Coursera).
  • You understand architectural patterns like MVC, MVP or MVVM.


Requirements for test engineer intern will depend on area you will be interested in.


  • You know basics of JavaScript, HTML and CSS
  • You know how to use Chrome DevTools or Firefox Developer Tools to locate page elements and diagnose errors.


  • You know basics of Java and/or Swift/Objective-C.
  • Nice to have: basic knowledge about tools for testing native mobile apps (e.g. Espresso, XCTest, Appium).


  • You know what HTTP is and how it works.
  • You know what REST is and how REST APIs work.
  • You know basics of any JVM based programming language (Java, Kotlin, Scala).

All areas

  • You know software development life-cycle (SDLC).
  • You know basics of software testing and testing methodologies.
  • You know how to use Git repository (Good starting points: Github tutorial, Learn Git Branching).

Nice to have

  • You have prior experience in software testing or software development (fe. University projects).
  • You have experience with bug tracking tools like: Jira, Redmine etc.
  • Your code is available on public git repository.
  • You have experience with any testing tools or frameworks like: Espresso, XCUITest, Protractor, Mocha+Chai, Rest-Assured, Gatling.

The team, the place

You will join one of the software engineering teams at Azimo and work at our office on Karmelicka 27 street, in Kraków.

Remote working is an option at Azimo but, in the early days, we think that seeing each other every day is crucial.

Why we offer the program

Perhaps you’re curious about why we offer this internship program.

First, we want to give something back to the engineering community. All of us were aspiring engineers once, and many of us were fortunate enough to meet someone who helped us make the first step in our career. Now we want to do the same for others.

Second, we are sure that we’ll also learn from you. We have experience, yes, but you have fresh eyes. We can’t wait to hear your ideas and thoughts regarding our code, processes and product. That’s why giving us honest feedback will be one of your responsibilities.

Last, we strongly believe that the process of teaching and learning can be full of fun — for you and for us. It’ll be summertime, what could be better than cracking some code together? 🤓

Read more…

If you want to know more about how our internship program worked in the past, read our blog posts. Mine, about the interviewing process, Kuba Kwiatek about his experiences as a Software Engineer Intern for Android and Oleksandr Masliukivskyi as a Software Engineer Intern for iOS.

How to apply

Take a look at our offer and click Apply for this job.

If you have any questions feel free to ask us via a comment under this post or drop a line at (mobile team), (QA team).

Data Science internship

In case not software engineering, but data science is closer to your heart, we also have something for you! Check our internship program in Azimo’s Data Team and apply here:



Mirek Stanek

I empower leaders through practice 🛠️💡✨. Site Leader and Director of Engineering at Papaya Global. Ex-Head of Engineering at Azimo.