Running Jamstack applications at the edge

Gabriel França
Published in
6 min readOct 24, 2023

The digital landscape today demands top-notch user experience. The combination of Jamstack and edge computing is revolutionizing web app delivery globally. This synergy has the potential to redefine web development.

In this article, we’ll explore the impact of the Jamstack and edge computing on web development. The Jamstack brings simplicity, scalability, and security, while edge computing pushes computation closer to the user.

As we explore this synergy further, we will uncover how it can improve not only the performance and reliability of web applications but also enhance the overall user experience. The potential benefits are limitless, from minimizing latency to preventing downtime.

Web development before the Jamstack revolution

Before the advent of Jamstack architecture, web development was characterized by a different set of paradigms and practices. In this retrospective glimpse, we’ll explore the web development landscape that preceded the Jamstack revolution.

Server-Side Rendering (SSR)

Traditional web development relies heavily on server-side rendering. When a user requests a web page, the server processes and generates the complete HTML for that page before sending it to the user’s browser. This server-centric approach handled everything from rendering content to managing data.

Monolithic architectures

Websites and web applications were often built as monolithic entities, where all the components, including the front-end presentation, back-end logic, and database, were tightly integrated. This tightly coupled architecture made it challenging to scale and maintain applications, especially as they grew in complexity.

Full-stack development

Developers were often required to be proficient in front-end (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) and back-end (server-side scripting, database management) technologies. This full-stack approach demanded a broad skill set and a deep understanding of multiple technologies.

Traditional databases

Relational databases, like MySQL and PostgreSQL, were commonly used to store and manage data. These databases provided structured data storage, well-suited for the server-side processing standard in traditional web development.

Complex hosting and scaling

Hosting and scaling web applications required intricate server configurations, load-balancing setups, and server maintenance. These complexities often introduced challenges in terms of cost, performance, and reliability.

Security concerns

Security was a significant concern in traditional web development, with various attack vectors targeting vulnerabilities in server-side code and databases. Developers had to implement robust security measures to protect against threats like SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks.

Before the advent of the Jamstack architecture, web development relied heavily on a server-centric model where servers played a central role in rendering content and managing data. Although this approach was successful for many applications, it came with inherent complexities such as scalability issues, the need for developers to possess diverse skill sets, and raised security vulnerabilities.

The advent of Jamstack architecture represented a substantial transition towards a more modular, streamlined, and security-conscious methodology for constructing web applications.

this is an AI version of a 'developer writing code,' lol

Jamstack, edge computing, and content delivery

A symbiotic relationship

In modern web development, where speed and accessibility are paramount, the association of Jamstack architecture with edge computing represents a pivotal leap forward. This union not only enhances the performance of web applications but also revolutionizes the way content is delivered to end-users.

Reducing latency and accelerating load times

At the heart of this synergy lies the concept of edge computing. Instead of relying on a centralized server, edge computing distributes processing and data storage closer to the user, often leveraging a network of edge servers strategically positioned globally. This proximity significantly reduces latency — the delay in data transfer between the client’s device and the server.

In the context of Jamstack applications, when a user requests a web page or interacts with an application, the content can be delivered from the nearest edge server, dramatically reducing the time it takes to load. This snappy responsiveness enhances the user experience, ensuring your audience stays engaged and satisfied.

Enhancing scalability and reliability

Edge computing is crucial for scaling Jamstack applications, as traditional server-based architectures struggle with sudden traffic surges, leading to slowdowns and outages. With edge computing, handling traffic spikes is distributed across multiple edge servers, ensuring your application remains responsive and available, even during high-demand periods.

Moreover, edge servers are engineered for high availability, with redundancy and failover mechanisms. This means that your Jamstack application can enjoy a level of reliability that was previously challenging to achieve in a centralized server setup.

Global content delivery

Content delivery becomes a breeze with this fusion. Jamstack applications often serve static assets — HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and media files. These assets can be cached and distributed across edge servers worldwide. When a user requests content, it’s delivered from the edge server closest to their geographical location, reducing the distance data needs to travel and, in turn, speeding up the content retrieval process.

This global content distribution network not only accelerates load times but also enhances content availability, irrespective of a user’s location. It’s as if your Jamstack application is always just around the corner, regardless of where your users are situated.

A seamless user experience

In summary, the synergy of Jamstack architecture with edge computing creates a harmonious environment where web applications are not only faster and more reliable but also more accessible to a global audience. This partnership redefines how we think about content delivery, as it optimizes every aspect of the user experience, from load times to responsiveness.

As we explore the intricacies of running Jamstack applications at the edge, we’ll uncover how this symbiotic relationship is reshaping the digital landscape, ensuring that web applications aren’t just functional but delightful to use, no matter where you are in the world.

Deploying Jamstack applications at the edge of the network

The developer experience stands as a critical cornerstone. It’s the juncture where innovation takes shape, challenges become opportunities, and lines of code transform into remarkable solutions. Platforms like Azion focus on the developer experience as a way to implement ground-breaking solutions and offer journeys that aim to reduce the friction between developing and deploying applications.

Azion offers a journey through their CLI, which installing methods can be found on their official documentation.

Practical example

With the Azion CLI properly installed on your machine, run the following:


The `azion` command is an alias to the `init` command. It starts the processing by initializing and gives you the option to run the application locally or deploy it to the edge.

Accept the suggested name, or choose a new one:

(Hit enter to accept the suggested name in parentheses) Your application’s name: (serene_strength)

Choose a template:

Choose a template for your project: (Use arrow keys)
❯ Angular

Now, the CLI of the framework you chose will initialize the project.

In this example, I won’t run it locally:

? Do you want to start a local development server? (y/N) n

We’re going to deploy the application:

? Do you want to deploy your project? (y/N) y

Install the dependencies:

? Do you want to install project dependencies? This may be required to deploy your project (y/N) y

Now, the application undergoes a build process, and it’s deployed to the edge. The build process is taken over by an open-source tool called Vulcan, which adapts the frameworks to run right from the edge.

When the deployment is complete, a domain is provided. Wait a few minutes so the propagation takes place, and then access your application using the provided domain, which should be similar to

You can try Azion for free with $300 in credits to start building your application.


The fusion of Jamstack architecture with edge computing represents a significant shift in the web development landscape. It marks a departure from the complexities of server-centric, monolithic approaches towards a future prioritizing speed, accessibility, and user experience.

This synergy reduces latency, improves scalability, and ensures global content delivery, making faster, more reliable web applications accessible to a global audience.

Companies like Azion and tools like the Azion CLI simplify deployment, empowering developers to create innovative solutions effortlessly.

As we navigate this transformative journey, we look forward to a future where user experience reigns supreme, offering boundless possibilities.

Welcome to the future of web development!

