[ azit (AZIT) listed on Bitget ]

Published in
Jul 31, 2023

azit(AZIT) project token will be listed at the Bitget , one of World’s leading exchanges.😆😆

✅ Bitget Announcement
- Bitget Announcement


✅ Trading Support Schedule
- Deposit time: 31st July, 5AM (UTC)
- AZIT Trading Time : 1st August, 5AM (UTC)
- AZIT Withdrawal time: 2nd August, 5AM (UTC)

✅ Event
- Bitget Event (https://www.bitget.com/support/articles/12560603795453)

▫️We will be holding an event with Bitget to celebrate the listing!
▫️Event details and benefits will be announced on the Bitget event page!
▫️Thank you for your interest and support.

📌 We aim to firmly establish our global services and extend our reach to a broader foreign user base, striving to spread the presence of azit project globally.

❤️ Thank you for your continued support of the azit project.




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