Make Your FBA Business More Profitable With The Right Tools

AZLabels Editor
Published in
7 min readMar 26, 2019

For FBA sellers there is no magic potion that will increase your profits and reduce your time-spend. However, there are a few FBA tools that can help create these magical outcomes. The following article dives into a number of tools that, if used properly, can transform your FBA outcomes.

There is a reason that Jeff Bezos is not only the wealthiest individual in the world, but has also been named the “Wealthiest Person In Modern History”. And that reason is that Amazon is a great way to make money. But Amazon has not just made Jeff Bezos money, it has also lined the pockets of many other businesses and individuals. The eCommerce giant has streamlined the process of delivering that products that consumers want and it continues to find ways to improve and advance.

It is for this reason that many people are pursuing Fulfillment By Amazon businesses, or FBA. This business opportunity has allowed individuals to provide a needed service and make a full-time living from the comfort of their own home.

However, when getting started with an FBA business, and even when FBA business owners are fully up and operational, it can be difficult to find ways to scale or increase profits past a certain point. There are solutions to this profit plateau and they come in the form of FBA tools. The following is a list of some of the most effective tools to use that will help you see better profit margins and increased income.

1. Reimbursements: Refunds Manager

Ensuring that reimbursements are honored can help FBA sellers to dramatically reduce losses. These losses often come when a customer chooses to return an item. Amazon withholds the item’s sale from the seller and gives the customer roughly 45 days to return the item. If the customer fails to return the item, Amazon typically sends the withheld funds back to the seller. Sometimes, however, the funds return is overlooked and it becomes the seller’s responsibility to pinpoint the discrepancy and manually request reimbursement. This can be a time-consuming task, which can all be avoided with a tool like Refunds Manager.

This tool guarantees that sellers get the money that Amazon owes them. It locates refunds they should be receiving, manually files claims, and tracks cases from beginning to end, ensuring that a seller’s account is fully credited. In order to accomplish this, Refunds Manager connects with a seller’s MWS credentials and identifies late returns, orders that were over credited or not credited to the customer, and items that are missing or damaged.

2. Keywords And Ranking: MerchantWords

The biggest database of Amazon shopper search data is owned by MerchantWords. It contains more than a billion unique, real shopper keywords from Amazon, rather than Google’s search trends of pay-per-click ad data. On top of this, MerchantWords has their own proprietary algorithms. It analyzes billions of pieces of data and uncovers opportunities for the seller, such as shopping trends. And then there is the API that was designed to increase sales and enhance listings for volume sellers.

When it comes to ranking in Amazon searches and utilizing the strongest keywords, there is no substitute for Search Term Report. While MerchantWords is helpful, it should be seen as a tool that augments this service. The reason for this is that Search Term Report provides sellers with the raw data they need in order to optimize their keyword bidding effectiveness. And having this effectiveness, through a combination of tools, is vital. Behind the vast majority of Amazon searches, compared to search engine searches, is a higher intent to purchase. This means that bidding for the right keywords will increase sales due to the fact that it improves page rank.

3. Inventory Management: Teikametrics

Inventory management is a complicated field. Individuals who pursue a career in inventory spend years earning degrees and investing in continuing education. Most FBA sellers do not have this background, yet it is vital to effectively manage inventory. Doing so will help sellers to avoid running out of the products that customer want. It will also ensure that sellers’ cash is sitting behind the right products, creating profits instead of losses. When it comes down to it, it’s simpler to increase profits with effective inventory management than with new product sourcing. This type of mindset allows FBA sellers to avoid the trap of wasting time identifying potential products and instead maximize profits with the current inventory.

Teikametrics is a tool that helps sellers to do this. It was designed specifically for FBA and empowers sellers to create and oversee smart inventory systems. It accomplishes this by basing restocking on predicted profits, identifying potential products, providing insights on sales ranks and velocity, and offering re-pricing strategies. When these features are combined, sellers are able to compete smarter, lower their stock-outs, intelligently restock, and maximize profits.

4. Product Content: Kenji ROI

FBA sellers know that ranking high in Amazon’s search engine is about much more than just keywords. Sellers also need to have strong content on their product pages. The challenging aspect of this is that many sellers have a long list of products that is continuously changing. Creating a compelling product page for each of these is time-consuming and labor-intensive — it requires vast knowledge of how Amazon’s algorithm works and what customers would like to see. This is where product content tools come in. They help sellers to optimize product content in a way that positively impacts their organic search rankings.

Kenji ROI is a product content tool that can help sellers with listing creation. It offers everything from copywriting and strong brand content to product videos and photography. In terms of the brand content, Kenji ROI harnesses the power of its understanding of Amazon’s algorithm, as well as what convinces customers to buy. When it comes to product videos and photography, the tool provides lifestyle and product images. It offers videos that feature professional actors or voiceovers alongside the seller’s product. Finally, Kenji ROI assists with all things copywriting, such as providing customer psychology profiles, conversion optimization, and enhanced keywords.

5. Pricing: FeedVisor

Amazon is the world’s marketplace. For FBA sellers this means there will be plenty of competition. And where there is competition, there is always undercutting with pricing. While most Amazon shoppers look at more than just the price (i.e. ratings, content professionalism, Prime availability, etc.), price still does play a major role in the final decision. In the end, a few cents can make the different between making a sale and losing a sale. In order to help sellers compete and still make a profit, pricing tools have grown in popularity.

Feedvisor is one of the most popular pricing tools. It harnesses the power of artificial intelligence in its algorithm, continuously monitoring competing products. Once it has a comprehensive profile of competitors, it balances it with market demand, prices, and number of orders in order to provide sellers with the optimal price. Proof of the power behind this technology can be seen by the fact that it uses the same technology as many Fortune 500 companies.

6. Feedback: FeedBackGenius

Positive product reviews and customer feedback are always a bonus. Every business needs them. However, for FBA sellers it is nonnegotiable. The reason behind this is that Amazon Marketplace has a strict set of rules that demand feedback. In other words, there is a strong correlation between customer feedback and sales performance. When it comes down to making sales, product reviews are a differentiating factor that allow FBA sellers and their products to stand out in the Amazon Marketplace. To help oversee this and encourage more feedback, there are a number of tools.

One of the strongest feedback tools is part of the 4 SellerLabs collection of features — FeedBackGenius. However, FBA sellers do not have to buy the entire suite of tools to gain access to it. And when they employ the tool, it monitors all reviews and feedback. On its dashboard, sellers can then oversee the status for all feedback. It offers categories, such as ‘resolved’, ‘ticket opened’, ‘waiting’, and ‘responded’. Sellers can treat this as a daily to-do list, addressing every piece of feedback expediently, with total organization.

7. Shipping: AZLabels

One of the more manual aspects for FBA sellers has always been the process of shipping products. It requires managing a large amount of logistics. However, there are a number of tools that can ease this procedure.

AZLabels is one of the simpler, yet most effective tools for this. It is a browser extension that assists with the shipping process. It allows sellers to avoid taking screen shots of PDFs and using software that is out of date. With a few clicks, they can print a single shipping label or hundreds of them. The extension supports any label size, whether traditional or customized. It also allows sellers to use the measurement system they need, provides 24 hour support, and enables both FNSKU and shipping labels. Finally, its one of the most affordable tools available, meaning sellers truly start to maximize their profits. Most of this maximization comes from time savings. AZLabels saves sellers roughly five minutes for every product they ship out. This means that if a seller needs to ship out 12 packages in a day, this software will save them an hour. And when it comes down to it, time is money.

With FBA selling, small losses have the potential to add up quickly. These losses can cut deeply into profits and efficiency. Avoiding these losses, rather than trying to identify more profitable products, is often the most effective way to increase profits. To accomplish this, all it takes is employing and utilizing the right set of tools.



AZLabels Editor

Finally, Amazon Sellers can print thermal labels directly from Seller Central.