AZ Lamps Quiz #2

You’ve got the following input from the customer:

We host a Mongo database in our local data center in the US, all other resources are in Azure. The team feels comfortable working with this database and implementing new features. However, the users’ geography expands rapidly, as well as the audience. We’ve got a new client in Australia recently. Unfortunately, the initial feedback is harmful as they complain about high latency.

What option would you suggest to the customer to support their growing need?

  1. Buy a new data center in Australia (with Mongo Atlas).
  2. Azure Postgres (with Read Replicas).
  3. Azure SQL (with Read Replicas).
  4. Azure Cosmos DB.



Artem Mikulich
AZ Lamps by Artem Mikulich

I am a solution architect focused on Azure Cloud. My goal is to unlock business potential by eliminating technological barriers.