AZ Lamps #7 — Disable Classic Pipelines

Artem Mikulich
AZ Lamps by Artem Mikulich
2 min readFeb 6, 2023

It is very common to choose between a long-term and a short-term solution. The truth is that the latter can exist for years and disrupt the team or the end users.

Unfortunately, development teams often sacrifice the automation of code deployment. They have to choose between:

1. To follow the Infrastructure as Code principles and develop pipelines using the yml language to build, test, and run the program on the environment. Or…
2. Use the UI wizard in Azure Devops.
You should understand which option will be faster (and therefore a winner).

I call such “hand-made” pipelines a “masterpiece” because, similar to a painting, you will never replicate it. However, these days Microsoft has implemented something that has been on my mind for a long time — the ability to disallow the creation of such pipelines at the organizational level (see image).

Azure Devops Settings Page

Having this feature is a relief for me. Once enabled, it draws the team’s attention to building a solid strategic solution instead of seeking an opportunity to cut corners.

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Artem Mikulich
AZ Lamps by Artem Mikulich

I am a solution architect focused on Azure Cloud. My goal is to unlock business potential by eliminating technological barriers.