Leveling the financial playing field

2 min readMay 16, 2018


If you were going to do something for work, for the rest of your life, for free — what would you do?

That’s the question that inspired Lucas to launch his business, FA-CASH: “a completely free, animated, tutorial-style financial education platform designed to even the financial playing ground in America.”

Why he does what he does

After starting his career in sales, Lucas developed an interest in self-improvement. He ended up investing a lot of time and money in self-improvement in general, and financial education in particular.

His initial goal was to guarantee his family’s financial future. As he learned more, he realized that there are a ton of people who need this kind of education — and the ones who need it the most are the ones who can’t pay for it.

Seventy-eight percent of Americans live paycheck to paycheck and I thought something needed to be done to change that.“

He considered consulting or in-person education, but he realized he could reach more people and have a bigger impact by offering education online. And so, FA-CASH was born.

Becoming an entrepreneur

Lucas wrestled in high school, and that taught him two key skills: be consistent and get comfortable working through rejection.

When he started his career in sales, he had plenty of opportunities to practice these skills. He also discovered another strength: he was willing to work extraordinarily hard for extraordinary results.

Because of these experiences, he had the skills, resources, and confidence to make the leap and commit to his business.

His advice for aspiring entrepreneurs? “Always seek to learn and improve, vs. ‘be the best.’”

Quote to live by

“Unwavering faith + extraordinary effort = miracles.”

Learn about his work

Lucas’s website is up at fa-cash.com. It’s a work in progress (he’s polishing it up and testing it on his friends before sharing it more broadly), but there’s already tons of educational content to explore.




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