Stop waiting at the gate

Published in
2 min readMay 23, 2018

Meet Reham, founder of LayoverStop.

About her

  • She’s a serial entrepreneur: “I’ve tinkered around with many ideas to start a business for the ‘forgotten’ or underserved segments of our market.”
  • How LayoverStop was born: “The idea started on a 7 hours layover stop in Istanbul heading to LA from Dubai. I disliked the time wasted at the airport and wished for a friend to hang out with and show me around Istanbul.”
  • What motivates her, as an entrepreneur: “I’m passionate about providing simple solutions that make sense. And of course, making people happy through the use of technology.”

Her business

With LayoverStop, travelers stuck on long layovers can get out and explore, guided by local hosts. It’s a bit like Airbnb, except instead of sharing their homes, hosts share their city.

Instead of spending hours at the airport or the station, travelers can tour breweries, visit museums, or walk along the beach. LayoverStop tours also come with unexpected bonuses, like professional photography and snacks.

LayoverStop currently operates in Los Angeles, and they’re planning to expand in other major transit cities around the world.

What’s next for LayoverStop

Reham was awarded a scholarship from Azlo to Microconf 2018. There, she met a few engineers looking for the right project to work on. Since she’s got the right project, it seems like they might be the perfect team — so she’s planning to collaborate with them to build an app. Once the app is complete, LayoverStop will explore offering instant bookings.

Reham’s advice for new or aspiring entrepreneurs

If you have an idea, don’t over plan. Start doing it and see what people think.

Learn more

Take a look at the LayoverStop website, and follow LayoverStop on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.




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