The Definitive Guide to Zynamite (Mangiferin): The Next (Superior) Caffeine Replacement?

The Quest For The Next Generation Focus Ingredient takes a massive leap with Zynamite launching in AZOTH’s TOTAL FOCUS this month.

Prady Tewarie, Esq.


AZOTH LLC is currently the only company in North America selling Zynamite as a standalone ingredient in “PURE ENERGY” and as a flagship ingredient in their product “TOTAL FOCUS.”

This article was written by Robert Schinetsky.

Society runs on caffeine.

It’s in our coffee, pre-workout, and energy drinks.

Caffeine is even working its way into other “functional foods” like protein powders and peanut butter.

And, make no mistake, I enjoy my caffeine (and in a multitude of ways).

But, not everyone reacts well to caffeine or can handle the ever-increasing doses that are working their way into dietary supplements and energy drinks.

As a result, a number of caffeine alternatives have been investigated over the years, with some being a bit more “effective” than others.

Notable examples of these caffeine alternatives include TeaCrine and Dynamine, both of which you’ve heard me talk about before.

Today, we’re going to cover another intriguing new caffeine alternative/replacement/synergist is Zynamite®.


