The Story Behind’s UBER’s IPO: Relentless Execution

The World’s Biggest Startups Tell Us: The Only Way Forward, is To Act.

Prady Tewarie, Esq.


In 2019, we have become a society of consumers. The first thing most people do is wake up and check their phones — go on Twitter or Facebook and check out the irrelevant things people are doing in their lives, get up to speed with the latest political opinions of people they don’t even remember adding to their friend list, and double tap every dog picture on Instagram they don’t care about. And continue. Every 1 hour for every hour they are awake, before tucking their phone under their pillow in case they don’t miss a “like” from their long-lost crush from High School.

This type of behavior has no place in the arsenal of someone looking to attain peak-productivity. By constantly following others and giving your precious time away to validating the opinion of strangers, you are living the life of others and never giving yourself the opportunity to form your own beliefs and convictions. That is a fatal flaw, hamartia.

Here’s news for you: the most successful people in this world are active. This is as true for olympic athletes or founders of successful companies. They don’t passively consume information and wait for life to “happen to them.” They don’t give a shit about the flashing of their…

