Why Some People Are More Successful Than Others: The Dopamine Connection

Success & Failure — The Dopamine & Serotonin Connection: How Brain Chemicals can determine success rates.

Prady Tewarie, Esq.


Does Motivation Depend on Brain Chemicals? What does the science say?

Have you ever noticed how some people in life seem to be more successful than others?

And not only are they successful every once in a while, but somehow, they continue to have success over and over and over again. Not matter what they do, business or otherwise

It’s enough to make anyone’s mind wonder, “how the hell is that guy (or girl) always so successful?!

On the flip side, there’s the guy who can’t seem to catch a break. No matter how hard he works or how many avenues he pursues, he never glimpses the success of the those that seem to be on a daily winning streak.

What gives?

Are some people just “born lucky”, as the expression says, or could it be something deeper?

Could it be something that actually governs how, when, and why we make the decisions that we do, not only when all the chips are on the table, but even when deciding what we’re going to have for lunch?

In other words, could there be an actual difference in the neurochemistry of one person’s mind to another…

