Azul Systems Launches a Tech Blog!

Azul Systems
Azul Systems
Published in
3 min readAug 24, 2018

What do we know about Azul Systems? We know that it’s a company that knows its stuff about Java, JVM, and low latency garbage collection.

Because our team is made up of Java experts, we thought it time to showcase their expertise and give the developer ecosystem a place to read and give feedback around topics of interest in the Java ecosystem.

Meet the Team & Engage

Do you know any of our star developers (mind you, many are not listed here and are amazing, valuable members to the Azul Systems team!)? If not, here are some you may like to connect with or chat with at events:

Sergey Grinev, Principal Software Engineer. Twitter: @sergeygrinev

Doug Hawkins, JVM Development Manager. Twitter: @dougqh

Ivan Krylov, Senior Software Engineer. Twitter: @JohnWings

Simon Ritter, Deputy CTO. Twitter: @speakjava

Gil Tene, CTO and Co-founder. Twitter: @giltene

We encourage you to give us a follow, let us know what topics you’d like us to write about if we don’t already cover them, and to please find us at the following events.

Let’s hang!

Here’s where we’ll be for the rest of 2018:

[London, Sept. 6] Reactive Java & JDK9, 10, 11 and Beyond: Delivering New Features to the JDK! This is a Meetup-stylie, with Simon and others, who will be sharing expertise about the JDK, OpenJDK, and Java.

[Oslo, Norway. Sept. 12] JavaZone 2018! Simon will be there as will Douglas, who will speak about “ReadyNow, Azul System’s Unconventional AOT.” Ping us on Twitter or email us at [community at azul dot com] to connect!

[San Francisco, CA. Sept. 14] Distributed Data Summit! Several members of the team will be at this one, so let’s have a solid cup of coffee together, and chat about…Java. [We won’t go there with the coffee n’ Java joke, wait, we just went there.]

[Washington, DC. Sept. 24] Pivotal SpringOne Platform. It’s a big Pivotal party! Let’s hang.

[London. Oct. 9] JAX London: The Conference for Java and Software Innovation.

[San Francisco, CA. Oct. 25–28] Oracle Code One 2018. We’ll be here: speaking, socializing, doing all that you’d expect at Oracle Code One! We’re excited to hang with the other Java Champions, users and contributors, so please let us know if you’ll also be there and want to raise a glass together!

[Ludwigsburg, Germany. Oct. 22–25] EclipseCon Europe 2018.

[San Francisco, CA. Nov. 5–9] QCon San Francisco. It’s great to wind down the year with other Java Rockstars at QCon. If you want to take a walk onthe Embarcadero, and share what projects you’re working on, how you’re contributing to Zulu JDK or OpenJDK or using Java, we’d love to spend time with you. Drop us a line: community at azul dot com.

Ok, folks! What you can expect from us in the near future, is output through this vehicle. That of high quality technical posts about what we’re great at: creating world class Java and Java Virtual Machine (JVM) solutions. If there are any particular topics in this scope you’d like us to write about, please let us know. Until then, follow us, ping to connect at the upcoming events we’ll both be at, and take good care!


