Create API Management using Terraform and Azure DevOps

Mohit Gupta
Published in
3 min readSep 18, 2019

This article gives you an overview of how to create api management instance using terraform and Azure DevOps

Create Terraform project and check-in to GitHub

Create New project in Azure Dev Ops

Create Build pipeline

Connect to your git repository

Select Git repository

Configure Pipeline

Use Copy and Publish Task to configure build Pipeline

Create Release pipeline to Deploy changes to different Azure environment or Subscription.

Add Artifacts

Configure terraform Task. First task is to install terraform tool

Select the Terraform working directory to execute terraform commands

Terraform needs storage account to store the state file. So you need to create a storage account.

Create the same task for Plan and Apply.

Create Release to deploy changes to Azure. API Management takes 30 minutes to deploy. you can verify the changes by checking the Azure portal.

Similarly if you want to deploy changes to different stages and different subscription. you can clone existing stage and change the subscription.



Mohit Gupta

Integration Developer works on Azure , DevOps , BizTalk. Contact :