Deploy Azure Shared Resource group using Azure DevOps

Mohit Gupta
Published in
3 min readOct 10, 2019

This article gives you an overview of how to deploy shared azure resources using Azure DevOps

In this Article we deployed two application

· Integration-Platform

· Logic App with service bus trigger

Integration-platform is shared application used by another logic app application


Create a shared resource group using visual studio.

Create a service Bus in Azure portal and copy the ARM Template from Export Templates to Visual Studio

Add output variable to save connection string. this parameter will be used by other application.

“outputs”: {

“sbconnectionString”: {

“type”: “string”,

“value”: “[listKeys(resourceId(concat(‘Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/AuthorizationRules’),parameters(‘namespaces_notification_hub_sp_name’),’RootManageSharedAccessKey’),’2015–08–01').primaryConnectionString]”



Commit the Source Code to GitHub

Create New project for Integration Platform in Azure Dev Ops

Create Build Pipeline

Select Repository

Configure your pipeline . Select Starter pipeline and add copy and publish task

Create Release pipeline

Add Artifacts

Configure the Stages

Add Jobs to the stages (Deploy ARM)

Select ARM Template

Define variables

You can change the release format as per need . For Example 1.0.0.BuildNumber

You can verify the deployment but verifying output of Deployment

Logic App with service bus trigger

Create a logic app application using Visual studio

Checked-in source code in GitHub

Create New project in Azure Devops for Logic App application

Configure the build pipeline

Configure Release peleine

This deployment depends on output parameter from previous deployment .

So we have used ARM outputs to extract the output and used as a variable in this release pipeline

Use $({Output variable name from previous resource})



Mohit Gupta

Integration Developer works on Azure , DevOps , BizTalk. Contact :