Secure API in Azure API Management using OKTA Identity management

Mohit Gupta
Published in
3 min readJan 10, 2020

OKTA provides authorization server to manage identity of user. We can use OKTA to manage user identity over our web application.

In This article I will describe how to use OKTA to secure API in Azure API Management

Create API Management

Create API Management in Azure Portal . It will take 45 Minutes to active API Management

Import API into API Management

You can use your own API as backend service. I am using Microsoft Conference API as a demo

For Testing you can import Conference API

Now you can test your api using url

The API is now secure and can be accessed without any credential and Token .

Now we have to secure our API with OKTA Identity Authorization Server.

Create New Application in OKTA developer portal

Create new application in OKTA Developer portal to represent client application or API .

Allow Grant Type as Client credential and Authorization code both.

Application show be able to access using Client Credential and Authorization Code

Copy Client Secret and Client ID

Secure API Developer Portal:

Azure provides API Developer Portal for API Documentation. Developer can perform tests and see request and response over the Portal.

Register OKTA Authorisation server as O-Auth 2.0 Service

Copy the Redirect_uri and paste to OKTA Application

Copy the Redirect_uri and paste to OKTA Application

Secure Developer portal with O-Auth 2.0

Test Developer Portal

For Securing API specify JWT Validation Policy:

Now for securing API we have include JWT Validation Policy at API Level

<validate-jwt header-name="Authorization" failed-validation-httpcode="401" failed-validation-error-message="Unauthorized. Access token is missing or invalid."><openid-config url="" /><required-claims><claim name="aud" match="any"></claim></required-claims></validate-jwt>

Test your API :

When you call API without authorization Token it will give error

Fetch Token from OKTA auth server

For using grant type as client_Credential we must create a scope

Fetch Token



Mohit Gupta

Integration Developer works on Azure , DevOps , BizTalk. Contact :