Azuro Introduces Grant to Boost Development of Onchain Prediction Apps on Polygon PoS

3 min readJun 18, 2024


  • Azuro launches a $20,000 grant program to support the development of onchain prediction apps on Polygon PoS
  • The initiative aims to enhance collaboration between Azuro and the Polygon community, providing financial and technical support
  • Developers can apply for grants of $2,000 for feature additions to existing apps and $4,000 for complex features or new dApps

Azuro is launching a strategic program to foster the development of user-facing onchain prediction applications, focusing on sports and entertainment events.

This initiative strengthens the collaboration between Azuro and the Polygon community, enhancing the value proposition for entrepreneurs by leveraging their combined infrastructure solutions. As a first step, Azuro will launch a grants program to support the creation of new applications leveraging Azuro on Polygon PoS.

The program will provide financial and technical support to developers, encouraging innovation and expanding the ecosystem of applications.

In the coming weeks, developers will be able to submit their projects for consideration. The program will distribute a total fund of $20,000 across two grant tiers: $2,000 for feature additions to existing apps and $4,000 for complex features or new dApps

Projects will be evaluated based on their potential to add value to the Azuro and Polygon communities. Criteria include well-defined development stages, technical specifications, time estimates, and a go-to-market strategy.

Azuro currently powers over 28 applications running onchain prediction markets, most of them built using Azuro’s infrastructure on Polygon PoS. Since integrating with Polygon PoS in 2023, Azuro has become a revenue leader among Polygon protocols.

Polygon PoS is one of the most widely used networks globally, hosting thousands of dApps, processing more than 200 million unique addresses, 3 million average daily transactions, and securing $5 billion in assets. Polygon PoS offers scalability and cost-efficiency, with an average transaction cost of just ~$0.015, making it an ideal blockchain for Azuro and its growing, user-centric prediction markets ecosystem, particularly strong in the sports sector.

Apps connected to Azuro can offer users a vastly improved UX compared to other on-chain options, presenting a viable alternative to traditional online prediction operators. Polygon PoS’s low transaction fees and scalable throughput allow projects to grow efficiently. Its proof-of-stake architecture ensures costs are up to 10,000 times lower per transaction than Ethereum.

Polygon PoS’s EVM compatibility further enhances development speed and efficiency, allowing developers to deploy from Ethereum seamlessly and benefit from Ethereum network effects. Additionally, Polygon PoS’s highly active and engaged developer community provides 24/7 support and extensive documentation, making building on Polygon PoS easier and more accessible.

Azuro is the onchain predictions layer. It consists of modular tooling, oracle and liquidity solutions for EVM chains to host powerful prediction and gaming apps.

With its unique infrastructure layer approach, Azuro makes onchain predictions and gaming portable and composable. It allows anyone to engage and monetize users by building apps, integrations, and products quickly, permissionlessly and with zero upfront or running costs.




🌊 Dive into the Azure: Empowering decentralized sports markets & games with deep liquidity & prediction contracts. 🌊