Compliments make life worth living

Ethan Castro
Published in
3 min readOct 19, 2022


No one is exempt from the high or motivation that a compliment incites.

Some pursue to excuse themselves from flattery as well as deep disappointment from negative critique, but that’s only pursuit.

It’s very hard to reach that point, and once you do reach it, there is most likely someone more intelligent, more powerful, and richer than you, whose words will be nearly impossible to disregard.

With that being said, I would like to give a list of examples.

A teacher teaches a good lesson ->

student compliments them ->

the teacher feels more inspired to continue teaching and to the best of his ability for he realizes it is working.

A cook makes a fantastic meal->

a customer compliments it->

the cook proceeds to make better meals for he feels valued, appreciated, AND SKILLED.

When you’re job is to do something for others, a compliment goes miles when whoever you did something for shows appreciation for it.

You have to realize when you internally say Damn, this person can <insert anything> really good. It is only in your head. Maybe you show it in your facial expressions, but it is best to say it.

If you write a blog for people your age but someone 30 years older compliments it, sure, you’ll feel good but nowhere near as fulfilled as you would feel if your target audience validated your attempt to communicate an idea to them.

Many people are a hair away from quitting.

Many people are a hair away from putting their best foot forward.

Many people do not know if they’re doing a good job.

Here’s an interesting cycle that makes people go from bad to good to bad, and it goes from wanting compliments to then improving (for the purpose of compliments) to then being so good that others don’t feel that it is necessary to compliment you, to you then not thinking you’re good at all because no compliments, then you do poorly, and you get critiques, and you wonder where it all went wrong.

You see someone dressed well, don’t assume the clothes just fell on them, you know very well they chose that outfit, compliment them. What are they going to do? Report you?

You see someone has prepared for something very well (even if the outcome isn’t great, respect the effort) maybe you’re at a family/friend/club/school event; compliment them. They will most likely do better if you compliment them because they now believe people care and appreciate them.

People want to put in effort for others that appreciate them.

Look, when you’re teacher complimented your homework.

Did you stop doing homework because u reached the pinnacle of academic excellence?


You did your homework better and better. You take great pride in it.

When someone recognizes you’re good at something, don’t you want to get better so they can keep recognizing you?

My friend Ahasan has insane arm genetics; when I tell him do you think he shrugs it off? (Maybe now because his arms are huge) no. He works harder to emphasize his [now recognized] strengths.

In the same way, people compliment you and place you under a specific title for what you are good at, you work harder to improve at that specific thing.

Just compliment people.

Nice sneakers/clothes/fit/bag/hair

Awesome decoration/work/book/project/etc

You’re mad good at writing/talking/math/Chem/bench press

You’re super funny/pretty/smart/attentive/mannered/cultured

Do not, not compliment someone because it is obvious they are fiending for a compliment. Give it to them, so their desire can be satiated and so they can actually live a normal life versus seeking attention.

Heart Stories.

Swipe up on mid thirstraps.

Heart Eye someone’s Sunset pic, knowing damn well the next story you see is going to be a photo that looks like the same exact sunset.

We have unlimited free ways of boosting other people’s moods.

You can literally give someone a dopamine hit from miles away at the speed of light.

As I write this, I saw someone with a beautiful fur jacket, and they shook my hand and said thank you so f-ing much.



Ethan Castro

Artificial-Natural-Kinetic-Pseudo Intelligence. 18 year old NYC dude