We like to trick ourselves

Ethan Castro
Published in
2 min readOct 21, 2022


We like to trick ourselves into thinking we are strong since we can lift a heavy weight.

But when have you used your strength in the real world?

Is the ‘weaker’ person who is more eager to help bring a stroller up the staircase of the train station truly weaker than you?

We like to trick ourselves into thinking we are smart since we get high test scores.

But when have you used your intelligence in the real world?

Is the ‘dumber’ person who is more eager to solve problems and learns from their mistakes, truly dumber than you?

We like to trick ourselves into thinking we are productive since our schedules are booked.

But what do you have to prove of your productivity?

Is the ‘lazier’ person who puts effort into more planned things and is able to work without burning out, truly lazier than you?

We like to trick ourselves into thinking we are kind since we say thank you.

But if I were to ask someone that doesn’t serve you what kind of person you are, what would they say?

Is the ‘meaner’ person who doesn’t put on a show to display their kindness and helps people that can do nothing for them, truly meaner than you just because they don’t walk around happy-go-lucky?

We like to trick ourselves into thinking we are open-minded since we talk to many people.

But if you were to take inventory of all of those you have talked to, would you find a likeness between all of them?

Is the ‘close-minded’ person who doesn’t involve themselves in echo chambers, doesn’t repost every political post they agree with, and doesn’t involve themself in every political/social affair, truly more close-minded than you?

We like to trick ourselves into thinking our ideas & thoughts are more worthy of being valued since we are bold in sharing our thoughts.

But if you were to reflect on past ideas, predictions, and thoughts, would you still deem all of them coherent and correct?

Are the more ‘closed-off’ and private person’s ideas, thoughts, and realizations less important or worthy of being listened to than yours, or is it simply that they choose not to share?

To what extent does this mental trickery dictate what we do or how we are?



Ethan Castro

Artificial-Natural-Kinetic-Pseudo Intelligence. 18 year old NYC dude