Thomas Fredsted Kjems
Bæredygtig løsning
2 min readOct 6, 2015



Better living conditions for the worlds poorest.

It’s essential for for the world, to help the poor and help them get better living conditions, to make the world and future sustainable.

There is enough resources in the world to create development for the poor and make the climate sustainable, we just have to find the way. The problem is that the resources is unequally spread between and in between borders, and the poorest are more affected by the climate changes.

60 percent of worlds poorest live in countries that are rich on natural resources, like oil, gas and gold but they never get a piece of the wealth and also often have to live with social and environmental problems, because of the extraction. The discovery of new natural resources are often a curse for local communities, instead of a way out of poverty.

So how can one help them and their living conditions.

To help them, organisations like Red Cross have to educated the locals about their rights and their opportunities.

Make sure that some of the money stays in the countries and find out what they are used for.

Help the locals to get payed better, and have better working conditions.

Taxes are essential around the world to redistribution of resources, it is also the long term plan for helping to pay for education, health care and development.

They should also have help to establish a industry around their resources so that the countries can become independent from only living of the rest of the world.

Climate changes have already had a documented affect on the world and again the poorest countries are the ones who are most vulnerable and affected by them. Some of the direct consequences are drought and flooding and it is affecting them both socially and economically. Therefore it is important that we reduce the release of greenhouse gases and a change of the economy so the worlds money are more evenly spread between countries.

