Image from B.A.M. Created by MJ Huntsgood


Rain Drops of You

I dream of you during a rainstorm.


Image from

I’m standing in the rain, waiting for you to come back to me. It’s been a week since you left and I keep hoping you will come back soon. Thunder clashes in the sky. I reach out, wanting to hold you because you always made me feel safe, even during thunderstorms. Lightning flashes in the night sky. I see a figure off in the distance. My heart pounds in my chest, hoping it's you. Another flash of lightning. This time, the figure is closer, but still far away. I want to rush out there and hold it, but my feet are cemented to the ground.

The figure inches closer step by step. I still can't tell if it's you, but it's silhouette looks like you. My heart starts racing, as it slowly approaches. Another clash of thunder jolts me awake. I peek out the window, hoping to see you standing in the pouring rain. Tears drizzle down my face as I realize you aren't out there. A flash of lightning beams in my eyes, causing me to blink. Once I open them, I see someone approaching. I place my hand against my chest, feeling my heart beating faster as I barely make out its outline.



Chris Cageworth
B.A.M. Bomb Journal

Just a beginner writer in some sexy male submission stories.