Published in
6 min readApr 1, 2022

On the evening of March 31, 2022, Mr. Hagi Vo — CEO of the BAoE project had a short Ask Me Anything session on the Vietnamese community. The AMA was extremely successful thanks to the response from the community. In this AMA, Mr. Hagi Vo shared truthfully about BAoE project information as well as upcoming plans.

SUMMARY OF AMAs’ bright spots

In case everyone missed last night’s AMA, we decided to write this compilation to update the situation for those who missed it.

Part 1: Mr. Hagi Vo shares about BAoE

Part 2: Answer community questions

Let’s go into the details of the AMA.

Part 1: Mr. Hagi Vo shared about BAoE

BAoE Champion League: After the first days, the tournament has attracted the attention and support of a large number of communities, the regional rankings are still regularly updated by the team for the communities.

Regarding the core product in the coming time, Mr. Hagi has very honest shares as follows:

  • All of BAoE’s products have been completed, both for the new web and the new character image. Now, when the time is right, the team will put it on the mainnet right away. In the past time, the project has tried many times to adjust the token price but has not worked due to a large number of bots and traders. After consulting with experts, with BAoE, it is still difficult to subsidize to push the chart. In addition, BAoE’s original smart contract lacked some features and was incomplete. The team has also thought and wondered a lot about changing the smart contract because it is very laborious and affects the project if it does not receive the consent of the community. After a month of thinking, trying to handle traders entering the trade, the team can’t control the price with the current smart contract no matter how good the game is. This morning, the team had a meeting for 6 hours and just decided to redeploy the smart contract, or to put it more simply, switch to token ver 2.0. This helps to ensure that the game’s tokens work well under the control of the team. If any actions affect the price, investors, or the community, the team can control and handle those issues. This is a difficult decision because building new gameplay, a new smart contract means that we almost re-listing and started from scratch. So the amount of work is quite large, equivalent to redoing a new project. However, for the benefit of the community and the future of the project, the team is still willing to embark on this decision. I still feel it is worth spending the budget to run marketing again.
  • After exchanging tokens, the product will definitely improve, the community will also be more active. However, the team needs a little more time to complete the upcoming work. For the community of players who have been with the project since the early days not to suffer, the team will certainly have policies to thank the long-standing community. But, there is a problem in the marketing process to attract new players, if you let new players live in the same community as long-time players, you will be worried because there will be some differences in the preferential policy between old and new players. So the team decided to build a community for new players, launch new products and lists. In the meantime that will create a new boom for the project. At the same time, the team will calculate how to quickly and accurately convert the tokens the community is holding to ver 2.0 tokens. The Marketing team will have a detailed announcement on this issue for the community to better understand and accept this change.
  • In the past time, the team has also listened and collected some very good contributions from the community. The team is currently working on the IOS version of the gameplay, but Apple’s policy does not allow apps containing cryptocurrency to make payments. If you want to do it on the IOS platform, you have to go through Testlight, so if the Testnet version is also uploaded to Testlight, then updating the Mainnet on it will be quite cumbersome. Therefore, the team decided to prioritize the Mainnet version. The issues of Self-control taking time, have been considered and handled by the team, and Autoplay and Quickplay modes have also been integrated.
  • Regarding plans, the team intends to recruit more human resources, invest more in marketing costs to attract a new community of players. Everyone with the project needs to agree on one thing: a game is still a game. If you want the project to be developed for a long time, it should be balanced between players and investors, because if the game is just a “Play to earn” mechanism, almost 100% of the game projects will not last long.

Part 2: Mr. Hagi Vo answered questions from the community

Question 1: Mechanism of token transfer from ver 1.0 to ver 2.0? Are the old tokens still in the game lost or can something be done with those tokens? Will use both tokens or which one? Is there a way to make sure buyers don’t buy ver 1.0 tokens?

Regarding the token conversion mechanism, as everyone knows about the staking mechanism, the number of tokens that the community stakes in the pool team have specific data, just convert to token ver 2.0. Similarly, maybe the team will build a pool for players to transfer the tokens they still hold to that pool, then the team will transfer the ver 2.0 tokens to everyone. With old tokens, players can put in the staking pool or convert them directly into the game.

In the future, BAoE will only use ver 2.0 tokens, up to now, the team has a buy/sell mechanism so players do not need to worry about buying the wrong ver 1.0 token.

Question 2: Does Ver 2.0 have PvP mode? If so, is there an expected release date for the game? Is there a new IDO or just selling NFTs?

In the new update, BAoE will also have PvP mode, the technology team is already available, still perfecting the gameplay to bring to the community the most perfect product, with the fewest errors, expected to be released mid-April to the market. school. Updating to ver 2.0, the team will not have a new IDO round but only a program to sell NFTs.

Question 3: Is the price of the ver 2.0 token list the same as the ver 1.0 token price? For example, if I have 10,000 old tokens in my wallet, I would normally staking it with the web APP in the staking box via ver 2.0, right, in what billion? And is there any special program for those who bought the old token and switched to the new token?

The team will offer an appropriate conversion rate to ensure the interests of investors so that the total amount of tokens everyone is holding does not change. For example, if you have 10,000 BAoE tokens, how much BUSD will be converted into ver 2.0 tokens. There will be special offers for longtime players, in the new version, new players will have to do tasks to get the whitelist slot to buy NFT ver 2.0 but old players don’t need to do the task, will be converted. NFT ver 1.0 to new NFT ver 2.0 and more special offers.

Above is a summary of the main points of the AMA session on March 30, 2022. BAoE is always very grateful for the attention and support that the community gives to the project. Soon, the team will have another AMA session on group Global, the team hopes to continue to accompany everyone on the upcoming journey.

The list of players with the most interesting questions was compiled by Mr. Hagi will be updated as soon as possible on the information page of BAoE.

The BAoE team is going to hold a Global AMA for the international community in the near future, detailed time will be updated as soon as possible on BAoE’s Telegram Channel. Let’s forward to it!

About BAoE:

BAoE is a “PLAY TO EARN” game built on the BSC platform. In Business Age of Empires, players will embody cyborgs, go on an adventure to uncover the treasures, and learn more about mankind’s once-famous civilizations.


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Editor for

BAoE is a “PLAY TO EARN” game built on the BSC platform. In Business Age of Empires, players will embody cyborgs, go on an adventure to uncover the treasures.