CryptoCurve’s Ecosystem — The Path to Cryptocurrencies’ Mass Adoption

Aman Patel
B & C Inspired!
Published in
3 min readNov 10, 2018

CryptoCurve is one of the promising cryptocurrency projects of this year. I was introduced to CryptoCurve by a friend during the first quarter of this year, and it is since that I have tried to understand this project and contribute to it in all possible ways. Overall, I believe CryptoCurve can bring mass adoption.

If you have already heard about it or read mine another post, you may know about some of the features of its wallet (Curve Wallet), but it is just the tip of the iceberg. CryptoCurve is much more than just a wallet, and visions to provide a full ecosystem for developers and users alike to help mass adoption.

CryptoCurve Ecosystem

In this post, I am going to talk about the CryptoCurve’s ecosystem and how it can change the present scenario of the blockchain and cryptocurrency space. Of course, it is not all, and you can find more info about CryptoCurve or its products, or other details regarding the project from links given at the end.

Curve Wallet

Curve Wallet is the first and major attraction of the CryptoCurve’s ecosystem. It drives the mission of the CryptoCurve’s team to help blockchain and cryptocurrencies achieve mass adoption. It does so by solving the first and foremost problem between people and mass adoption — an easy and secure wallet.

Curve Wallet

Curve Wallet is one of its kind wallet with features inspired from the strengths and weaknesses of the present cryptocurrency wallets. It address the various complains of the current generation blockchain enthusiasts and provide an easy to use and highly secure yet customizable wallet. It lets store multiple currencies, provides staking rewards, avails buy and sell, supports portfolio management, and more.


CryptoCurve believes that Ethereum, as an ecosystem, has a wide adoption. I will say it has the widest adoption in terms of its ecosystem. That brings us to the question: what is the reason behind its mass adoption? The answer is simple: Ethereum has always developed for its developers first, thus improving its ecosystem offerings and allowing newbie and seasonal developers to develop on its ecoysystem.

CryptoCurve’s vision is to learn from the success of Ethereum and implement an all-inclusive, well-documented and standardized infrastructure ecosystem, for example cloud providers like Google Cloud. Its ecosystem will obfuscate underlying infrastructure and allow seamless development of dApps.

Curve Labs

CryptoCurve’s team understands the problems of cryptocurrency projects. It is not just the technical aspects but also the business aspects that decide the success of a blockchain or cryptocurrency project.

Curve Labs of CryptoCurve

That is why, they have Curve Labs — a blockchain accelerator that aims to help new and growing projects with expert, hands-on support from the people behind CryptoCurve. Why? If more blockchain projects will get successful, they will present the world with more solutions to the current and future problems. And it will attract more individuals and corporations to this space, thus supporting mass adoption.

If you wish to know more about CryptoCurve’s Ecosystem or any of its component, please head on to its website at, or go through its whitepaper for details. Of course, you can also leave a comment below to ask your question. Please don’t forget to clap this post if you liked it.

