I Love CryptoCurve for its Wallet’s Security Features. Why do you?

Aman Patel
B & C Inspired!
Published in
3 min readNov 10, 2018

Have you heard about CryptoCurve? It is one of the popular cryptocurrency projects of this year, which tries to solve the cryptocurrency space’s biggest problem: mass adoption. CryptoCurve is trying to get rid of the problems faced by the beginners trying to use blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies.

In these problems, the major problem that people faces are security concerns. It is not rare but very common to hear news about one or more issues arising from the security problems in the crypto space. The examples include hack or loss of centralized/decentralized exchanges or individual wallets. It is a serious problem since such losses cost hundreds of millions to the crypto enthusiasts or businesses.

Curve Wallet for Mobile

That said, let me introduce you to the security features of the CryptoCurve’s wallet, which is named as Curve Wallet. It includes many features, but I am going to talk only about its major security features.

Biometric Data

In the financial world, people as well as institutions are already comfortable with various security practices and biometric identification is one of the top of them. For example, it is more than common to see the presence of fingerprint scanners in present smartphones, and people use them on their daily basis.

If people are so comfortable in these practices, we should use them to secure cryptocurrency wallets as well, because it will help people trust their money in a cryptocurrency wallet. This is the same idea behind the features of the Curve Wallet. It supports both fingerprint and face recognition schemes to help protect you from any thefts. Moreover, it brings voice recognition and vocal seed phrases as well.

Key Storage Flexibility

In the current cryptocurrency wallets, one can manage his wallets’ security keys. Although, it provides a sound of relief for the experienced and security-focused individuals, but it works the other way around for the beginners entering the crypto space and creating or managing their initial cryptocurrency wallets.

The Curve Wallet solves this problem by providing the option to securely store the security keys on the CryptoCurve’s servers. Of course, the seasoned investors can choose to manage their own security keys by themselves, thus providing the best of both worlds — decentralization as well as centralization.

Multi-Sig Capability

If you have used a cryptocurrency wallet, you must know about the private key or signature, which is necessary for signing (aka approving in laymen terms) a transaction. The majority of present wallets supports only a single signing key owned by a single signer, which is mostly enough for individuals and casual cryptocurrency users. However, it surely poses a security risks to wallets with large funds.

What is the solution? Multi-sig aka multiple signature approach solves this problem by requiring multiple keys to sign a transaction to approve it. It means a transaction cannot be send until all or the configured keys or persons approve the transaction, thus allowing businesses to have a multi-person security.

Is the information not enough for you? You can read more about its security features in its whitepaper or on its website: www.cryptocurve.io. Please leave a comment below or clap if you liked this post.

