Introducing AERGO — An Enterprise Grade, Scalable Blockchain Platform

Ashutosh Kumar Singh
B & C Inspired!
Published in
3 min readOct 14, 2018

AERGO is in quest of building an enterprise-grade, fourth-generation blockchain platform with the goal of letting users deploy their dApps on blockchain as smoothly as possible. The project is trying to be the bridge between public and non-public blockchains for organizations. It features advanced but easy to get started with developer tools and an exciting dApp development and deployment infrastructure.


AERGO aims to enable scalable enterprise architectures based on blockchain by integrating both new and old technical methodologies to build scalable yet distributed database systems. Its platform will enable developers and enterprises to design, build, and deploy their dApps onto its cloud platform. It also plans to feature a smart contracts platform based on SQL and many more advanced functionalities.

The Problem

AERGO is working on the problem of mass acceptance of the blockchain technology. I accept adoption starts from large organizations to consumers because enterprises already have large customer bases. That said, when they adopt any technology, it ultimately gets accepted by their customers.

Even though the blockchain as a technology is growing from the last two years, nevertheless there are multiple challenges before its mass usage. That being said, easy development with deployment and scalability are the major challenges; and it is exactly where AERGO comes into play.

The Solution

AERGO is making an enterprise-grade blockchain platform with customizability and scalability in mind. The existing systems already possess such proficiencies; and though blockchain as a technology offers several exciting features that is not present in the existing systems yet it do not cater to the essential requirements, which are available in the existing enterprise-grade platforms.

For instance, Visa, a well-known payment service, claims of its ability of handling 56,000 transactions per second (TPS). Even though it processes near to 1,700 transactions a second in the real world, but even if we account the lower number, blockchain need to speed up seriously. Bitcoin work at just 7 TPS and Ethereum is little better at 20 TPS. Interestingly, Ripple does an incredible job at 1,500 TPS.

Furthermore, we need an easy-to-learn and easy-to-use architecture for attaining mass adoption. For example, I like Ethereum, but its Solidity does not do well for dApp beginners or developers. AERGO solves this problem as well — its platform will introduce a SQL-like scripting language to write smart contracts. Moreover, it will also permit storing and retrieving data — to and from the smart contracts.

How it works (from AERGO)

The Platform

AERGO’s fundamental technology is built on the top of COINSTACK (Blocko Inc.), which is a leading blockchain product for building enterprise-level services. Blocko is now working to develop some of the significant technologies for AERGO. It intends to deliver all-inclusive integration and support services for the clients willing to develop, deploy, and retain products and services based on AERGO.

The platform will proposes the option for designers to modify their blockchain and its applications to their requirements by allowing them to run across a public or a non-public network. AERGO also wishes to relieve companies from noteworthy overheads through the removal of the requirement to launch a physical infrastructure themselves to run blockchain. They can use AERGO instead, simply!

Of course, it is just the tip of the iceberg. AERGO offers a lot more than the current blockchain systems, and of course, there is much more info yet to release about its platform and technology. However, I think it is a unique blockchain platform and is built by a well-experienced team (from Blocko, Inc.).

If you wish to read more on this project, check its website at Kindly click the clap button if you liked this post or post a comment below. I am looking forward to hear from you.

AERGO’s Medium Verification Code: qiNOmEbn

