Play to Earn Model: Bots Aren’t Your Enemy

But they’re not your friend either.

Daniel Goldman
The B.C.U. Times


Photo by Andy Kelly on Unsplash

I’m a big fan of play to earn models for games. While a play to earn model isn’t necessary, I think that any game where you could end up spending hundreds, or even thousands of dollars a year, just to remain competitive, should have a play to earn model.

For better or worse, online play to earn games draw in a lot of bots. These bots are automated programs that are coded to be able to play the game. Some do better than others, but the idea is that if they do well enough, they can earn enough to be profitable.

So bots are stealing from earnings that players could be making. Or are they? Economics says otherwise.

Connection: High Frequency Trading Algorithms

The closest analog to gaming bots is HFT algorithms. These algorithms too are often seen as negatives. A lot of people hate that HFT is a major component of modern stock markets. And yet, without HFT and day traders in general, we’d have a major problem in the market: insufficient liquidity.



Daniel Goldman
The B.C.U. Times

I’m a polymath and a rōnin scholar. That is to say that I enjoy studying many different topics. Find more at