One Belt, Many Yokes

Mike Ege
Indo-Pacific Monitor
2 min readMay 22, 2017

China’s “New Silk Road,” as exemplified in the One Belt One Road (OBOR) and China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) initiatives, is being sold to the world community as a leveraging of partnerships for a common good. Unfortunately, it increasingly looks like what’s really being leveraged are the partners themselves

Leak of a key CPEC document reveals agenda to embed Chinese influence and power in Pakistan while encumbering the nation in debt

Moreover: CPEC driving repression in Balochistan, Kashmir: Business Standard, Jammu Scoopnews

Debt-driven projects such as China-Laos Railway, Indonesia light rail, are typical OBOR incentives

Infrastructure projects in Malaysia linked to Maritime Silk Road aimed at bolstering China hegemony in South China Sea, influence over Malacca Strait; 1MDB bailout a prime incentive

Furthermore: Mushrooming public debt in Central Asian countries have already paved the way for the western links of the New Silk Road:; Asia Times

OBOR likely to foment domestic credit crunch in China, just as economic growth has stalled

Originally published at on May 22, 2017.



Mike Ege
Indo-Pacific Monitor

Politics reporter at the San Francisco Standard — This is my archive for Bay City Beacon and other stories.