B21 launches new website!

Team B21
Published in
3 min readJun 15, 2018

We are excited to announce the launch of our new website!

Our goal was to create a more user-friendly version of the B21 website, which is more responsive on portable devices and features a better navigation and a memorable user experience.

The website also now incorporates auto detect in four languages, English, Spanish, Japanese and Korean, each time a user from one of these countries accesses the site, they won’t have to click on the language setting, it will automatically open up in the user’s language. Of course, as we move into new territories we will be adding additional languages to this function.

The launch of the new website, coincides with the launch of our new branding, as you can see, we now have a new colour scheme — moving away from the bright red, that we used when we first launched the company.

Why rebrand so early in the B21 lifecycle?

Originally Red was chosen because of it’s powerful, energetic, successful and passionate connotations, which mirrors the enthusiasm and characters of the founders of B21 and the vision for the company as a whole. However, as a team of experienced business professionals, the negative associations with the colour Red were always in the back of our minds, which is why we decided to rebrand early in our business journey. As a start-up we are continuously growing and evolving, a company’s brand identity is what sticks in the mind of customers and we recognised that it is vital that we get this right early on. It is very important to us that our branding reflects B21’s vision, objectives and environment.

And so, the B21 Teal Green was born, Teal is a mixture of both Blue and Green tones. Blue signifies trust, reliability and dependability, while Green is associated with trustworthiness, positivity and protection. Deep greens signify wealth and prestige — all of which reflects B21’s mission of simplifying the cryptoasset investing process and to create the largest cryptoasset investment community, by bringing cryptoasset investing to the mass market!

B21 has applied for a DLT license in Gibraltar, which allows B21 to receive funds, exchange currencies, provide custodial services on behalf of its customers and advise on cryptoasset investments. We aim to be the world’s first regulated and tokenized cryptoasset investment company, helping us to earn trust and credibility.

The logo

B21 logo represents a graphical play on the B in our name and the circle represents the B21 Token.

B21, what is in the name?

The inspiration for B21 came from the fact that there will only ever be 21 million Bitcoins made and the B represents bitcoin, block, blockchain and a ‘Billion positively impacted people’, which is one of our main objectives — to build the world’s largest cryptoasset investment community.

By rebranding our corporate identity, we expect to move forward to represent a trusted and innovative crypto asset investment platform, which will attract the largest crypto investment community in the world!

We hope you like our new website, logo and brand colours, we will continue to add quality content to the site, to keep our users entertained and up to date with B21, our ICO and our main product.

For more information about B21, check our new website here

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