B21Live — An Evening at the DeCentre Blockchain Caffe

Team B21
Published in
3 min readSep 13, 2018

The newly opened DeCentre Blockchain Caffe was the venue of choice for B21’s first ever live meet-up, B21Live, which took place in Seoul earlier this week.

The Blockchain Caffe opened its doors in August, as the very first blockchain Cafe in Korea it provides a space for crypto-enthusiasts to share their knowledge about cryptocurrency and blockchain technology. It will also play host to key local and international blockchain events, allowing crypto followers to keep up to date with the latest news in the space and network with like-minded crypto enthusiasts.

Earlier this year we announced a marketing partnership with DeCentre and we are delighted to be one of the first to host a meet-up at the trend-setting venue. Upon entering the first thing you notice are the large screens on every wall that display the market price information and adverts for innovative cryptocurrency projects, such as B21!

During the B21Live event, B21 Co-founder Miles Paschini took to the floor to present our upcoming cryptoasset investment platform B21Invest, and our recently launched education and training app, B21 Life to a full room of over 70 investors and supporters of B21.

The event was presented in both English and Korean and after the presentation there was an open mic Q & A session, allowing everyone to find out more about B21, our plans for the future and how our products can help them. Miles also had the opportunity to talk with the host of a renowned Korean TV show — look out for the coverage of this interview on our social media channels.

Miles Paschini while presenting B21

The evening was a great success and we were delighted to see such a positive interest in both B21 Life and our upcoming investment products. Thank you to all of our community members that shared pictures from the night to both our telegram and our new cryptocurrency education and training app B21 Life. It is in light of events like this that we recognise the importance of what we are doing at B21 — bringing cryptoasset investing to the mass market! It is fantastic to hear how our products can truly help people to understand cryptocurrency and the investment process. Our main objective has always been to build the world’s largest cryptoasset investment community and it is becoming evident that we are already doing this.

We will keep you updated on when we will be hosting the next B21Live event at the Cafe. In the meantime, If you are in the area, we recommend that you pay the Blockchain Caffe a visit and look out for the ‘Blockchain Wall of Fame and the fascinating menu — you will not find a Flat White’s or a skinny Latte on offer here, instead, the drinks are named after renowned influencers from within the space such as the Ethiopia Buterin or a Kenya Satoshi Nakamoto!

