The Top Things you will be paying for with Cryptocurrency by 2020!

Team B21
Published in
5 min readOct 12, 2018

By Rhea Craib and Nitin Agarwal

It wasn’t so long ago that the thought of using a plastic card to pay for your shopping seemed like a daunting new concept that you were never quite going to get the hang of! But, you did!

As technology advances and the revolution of cryptocurrency expands, we are now faced with a new concept, the concept of making our daily purchases with a digital currency, cryptocurrency. While this is something that many still find very bewildering, before you know it you will be using your digital wallet to pay for things in the same way you adapted to chip & pin, and your contactless card.

Following on from our last blog on ‘a look to a cashless society with cryptocurrency’ we thought we would take a look at the top five things that you will be paying for with cryptocurrency by 2020!


Students around the world are already using cryptocurrency to pay for their university tuition fees, King’s College in New York, Lucerne University in Switzerland, University Business School ESMT in Berlin and the University of Nicosia in Cyprus are just a few schools that already offer crypto as a payment option.

Earlier this week it was announced that Yale, one of the most prestigious Ivy League universities in the world is set to invest in a $400 million cryptocurrency fund. As cryptocurrency education interest increases so will the demand for payment options and before you know it every education campus in the world will be offering Bitcoin as a payment option.

2. Utility bills

Despite it being 2018, paying utility bills can be a time-consuming chore in itself depending on what country you live in, reside in, whether you own or rent. Some companies have accepted mobile and card payments for years, while others still opt for the old-fashioned system of restricting payments to the bank or electricity/water office.

However, this is all about to change, Bitcoin is already being introduced into society to make things easier, companies such as BillPay For Coins and Bit2Bill and Piix Pay offer a bill paying service that allows their users to securely pay any bill with their cryptocurrency. It is only a matter of time before others follow and soon there will be no need to juggle credit or debit cards or stand around in long queues just to pay your bills, instead, it will be done in just a few seconds via your mobile with cryptocurrency.

3. Travel Expenses

One of the greatest luxuries in life is to travel, however, it usually comes with added fees and hidden costs such as currency conversion, ATM withdrawal and transaction fees. Paying for your travel expenses with cryptocurrency is not only fast, convenient and secure but it eliminates these extra hidden costs.

It is already possible to book flights, hotels and public transport with cryptocurrency using websites such as CheapAir, Surf Air and Bitcoin Travel, where the list of travel businesses accepting payment by crypto is growing by the day. Soon it will be possible to book everything from the one site and the one wallet, eliminating the need for endless online searches, visits to the travel agents and the balancing of different payment options.

4. Gym membership

The health and fitness industry is a very diverse industry and one that is experiencing rapid growth and development so undoubtedly it is one of the first industries to experiment with blockchain technology and the world of crypto. There is currently a wide range of apps, businesses and payment services that allow you to pay for your membership with cryptocurrency around the world.

Blockchain technology allows for smooth and fast payment options, eliminating the need for credit/debit card restrictions. This will be a huge benefit to those that split their time between different countries and have a few different gym memberships as they can pay in the same cryptocurrency from one place, rather than balancing different currencies, cards and exchange rates.

5. Dining out

Most of us have been in the situation where we go for dinner or drinks, arrive at the venue and realise that in the mad rush to make it there on time, we have left our wallet or your purse at home! When paying with cryptocurrency, there is no need to worry about carrying your wallet or purse with you, all you need is your mobile, which let’s face it, we never seem to forget!

In Europe alone, there are already an array of coffee shops, and bars and restaurants that accept Bitcoin as a payment option, while others no longer accept cash at all and are adopting cryptocurrency in its place. Earlier this year a bakery in Zurich announced that people can’t pay for their cakes or bread with cash but they can use Bitcoin! These options are set to grow at a steady pace and soon we will all be picking up every bill with crypto.

These are just a few examples of how cryptocurrency is already being introduced into society and daily life. Not only will cryptocurrency transactions ensure fast, efficient and hassle-free payments, they will also eliminate the need for currency conversion, exchange rates and unnecessary transaction fees.

If the concept still feels daunting to you then it is important that you take the steps now to learn about this revolutionary new world now, otherwise, you will be left behind! Once you begin to understand something, suddenly it doesn’t seem so scary — it all starts with education.

To find out more about cryptocurrency and blockchain technology, download B21 Life — our FREE cryptocurrency education and training app available for Android and iOS now.

Images Sources: Shutterstock, Pexels, Pixabay

