Why Is LinkedIn A Great B2B Lead Generation Platform?

AJ Alao
Published in
12 min readSep 5, 2022

Let’s take a look at the benefits of using LinkedIn for generating leads,

Provides a dedicated professional networking platform LinkedIn is a platform where you connect with professionals across different industries and skillsets. That is what sets LinkedIn apart from the rest. When searching for professionals on LinkedIn, you can filter the results based on the job title, capabilities, location, etc. This helps in performing a more targeted search based on your buyer persona. Not just that, you can also go through the company profile and gather knowledge about recent developments.

  1. You can easily target decision-making authority

Statistics say that more than 20% of LinkedIn users have the authority to make purchasing choices on behalf of their companies. This increases your chances of connecting with someone you can close the deal with. In addition to that, LinkedIn is also the most popular social networking platform among Fortune 500 organisations. Therefore, you already have your target audience right in front of you.

  1. Has a Large number of active users

LinkedIn boasts of having millions of members which is quite a number! Most of them are active users who log in every day and engage with others. This way, using LinkedIn gives you exposure to several potential customers.

  1. Is the most efficient lead generation platform

As a huge chunk of the social media generated leads come from LinkedIn, you can name it the best platform to generate B2B leads. It gives an edge to other social media platforms.

  1. Is Cost-Effective

While it is possible to generate leads on LinkedIn free of cost, you can even choose the paid options. Running ads on LinkedIn is quite cost-effective compared to other social media platforms. They may seem costlier up front but give you a handsome conversion rate, increasing the ROI.

  1. Well-suited for B2B lead generation

Professional networking is the foundation of LinkedIn, and a majority of the businesses have listed themselves here. That is why even after having competition from Facebook ads, LinkedIn is a better choice.

The how?

  1. Create and Improve Your Sales Funnel

A good sales funnel drives leads toward conversion by addressing their concerns and meeting their demands at each step of the buying process. The top of the funnel requires content that focuses on creating brand awareness whereas sponsored content posts are best for the mid-funnel. You can deliver bottom-of-the-funnel pitches through sponsored messaging or conversational ads. And LinkedIn allows you to customise them too!

  1. Publish Relevant and Engaging Content

When professionals look for the most up-to-date information and perspectives in their industry, they turn to LinkedIn. You have an audience, but they may lose their interest faster if you come across as too salesy or self-promotional. Your audience will return for more if you provide relevant material that shares real thoughts and information. Because everyone doesn’t respond the same way to content or media, try adding variety to your content and media by including polls, videos, longer written articles, and shorter daily posts on various topics that speak about your target audience’s interests and concerns.

  1. Use lead generation forms

LinkedIn allows you to include a call-to-action to your sponsored content advertising, which is a fantastic feature. You may add a form to your advertising that auto-populates with the lead’s LinkedIn contact information. They only need to enter their email address and click submit. LinkedIn designed Lead Gen Forms with mobile users in mind, so they need not enter a lot of information to sign up for a newsletter, download an ebook, or complete whatever CTA is required. Doesn’t it look like a handy tool?

  1. Use Conversational Ads to Your Advantage

Conversation Ads let you connect with professionals on LinkedIn through direct messages. These messages can include tailored content, CTA buttons, and Lead Gen Forms, making them effective in reaching out to potential consumers.

Conversation Ads, as the name implies, are more conversational by nature. You can design less formal and engaging content using the “If this, then that” approach. Use the personalisation tactic here to get maximum results.

  1. Connect LinkedIn to CRM

Data is essential for generating leads and qualifying them. Therefore connect to your Let’s take a look at the benefits of using LinkedIn for generating leads,

1. Provides a dedicated professional networking platform

LinkedIn is a platform where you connect with professionals across different industries and skillsets. That is what sets LinkedIn apart from the rest. When searching for professionals on LinkedIn, you can filter the results based on the job title, capabilities, location, etc. This helps in performing a more targeted search based on your buyer persona. Not just that, you can also go through the company profile and gather knowledge about recent developments.

2. You can easily target decision-making authority

Statistics say that more than 20% of LinkedIn users have the authority to make purchasing choices on behalf of their companies. This increases your chances of connecting with someone you can close the deal with. In addition to that, LinkedIn is also the most popular social networking platform among Fortune 500 organizations. Therefore, you already have your target audience right in front of you.

3. Has a Large number of active users

LinkedIn boasts of having millions of members which is quite a number! Most of them are active users who log in every day and engage with others. This way, using LinkedIn gives you exposure to several potential customers.

4. Is the most efficient lead generation platform

As a huge chunk of the social media generated leads come from LinkedIn, you can name it the best platform to generate B2B leads. It gives an edge to other social media platforms.

5. Is Cost-Effective

While it is possible to generate leads on LinkedIn free of cost, you can even choose the paid options. Running ads on LinkedIn is quite cost-effective compared to other social media platforms. They may seem costlier upfront but give you a handsome conversion rate, increasing the ROI.

6. Well-suited for B2B lead generation

Professional networking is the foundation of LinkedIn, and a majority of the businesses have listed themselves here. That is why even after having competition from Facebook ads, LinkedIn is a better choice.

The how?

1. Create and Improve Your Sales Funnel

A good sales funnel drives leads toward conversion by addressing their concerns and meeting their demands at each step of the buying process. The top of the funnel requires content that focuses on creating brand awareness whereas sponsored content posts are best for the mid-funnel. You can deliver bottom-of-the-funnel pitches through sponsored messaging or conversational ads. And LinkedIn allows you to customize them too!

2. Publish Relevant and Engaging Content

When professionals look for the most up-to-date information and perspectives in their industry, they turn to LinkedIn. You have an audience, but they may lose their interest faster if you come across as too salesy or self-promotional. Your audience will return for more if you provide relevant material that shares real thoughts and information. Because everyone doesn’t respond the same way to content or media, try adding variety to your content and media by including polls, videos, longer written articles, and shorter daily posts on various topics that speak about your target audience’s interests and concerns.

3. Use lead generation forms

LinkedIn allows you to include a call-to-action to your sponsored content advertising, which is a fantastic feature. You may add a form to your advertising that auto-populates with the lead’s LinkedIn contact information. They only need to enter their email address and click submit. LinkedIn designed Lead Gen Forms with mobile users in mind, so they need not enter a lot of information to sign up for a newsletter, download an ebook, or complete whatever CTA is required. Doesn’t it look like a handy tool?

4. Use Conversational Ads to Your Advantage

Conversation Ads let you connect with professionals on LinkedIn through direct messages. These messages can include tailored content, CTA buttons, and Lead Gen Forms, making them effective in reaching out to potential consumers.

Conversation Ads, as the name implies, are more conversational by nature. You can design less formal and engaging content using the “If this, then that” approach. Use the personalization tactic here to get maximum results.

5. Connect LinkedIn to CRM

Data is essential for generating leads and qualifying them. Therefore connect to your CRM. Connecting LinkedIn to your CRM and any automated lead scoring software can help you fine-tune and personalize your sales funnel. The best thing is that CRM updates dynamically, so you don’t have to keep uploading new CSVs.

6. Make use of LinkedIn’s Matched Audiences

LinkedIn’s matched audiences function has targeting options that bring you business and professional data together. Matched Audiences include retargeting, contact targeting, account targeting, and lookalike targeting.

– Retargeting allows you to retarget the visitors to your website.

– Content targeting helps target a list of email contacts that you upload.

– Account targeting enables running account-based marketing campaigns. You can match the specific companies you wish to target against the millions of LinkedIn pages.

7. Use Micro-Segmentation

To move leads down the funnel, you must address prospect issues, questions, or requirements they may have at the moment. You’ll need a more personalized approach for that. Micro-segmentation is the method for breaking down your lead pool into smaller subsets with shared characteristics. It recognizes that what one group needs may not be what the other requires. So, you have to identify what each group needs and how helpful your solutions can be.

LinkedIn assists you in segmenting your audience by giving different landing pages for different target segments. You can organize your leads by geography, target industry, CPM, or any other criteria that makes sense to you.

8. Utilize LinkedIn to its full potential with Sales Navigator

LinkedIn’s Sales Navigator aims to help advertisers track and engage with their LinkedIn leads more efficiently. It can assist you in identifying decision-makers, learning more about your current leads, and even suggesting new leads to customers.

PointDrive is a tool in Sales Navigator that allows you a variety of robust choices for tracking lead engagement and delivering customized multimedia content. You can also install a Sales Navigator plugin to your web browser to identify and show the LinkedIn profile information linked with any email address you connect with.

B2B LinkedIn Lead Generation Strategies

Instead of waiting for one particular strategy, we propose using a variety of techniques to get yourself established on the platform and in front of your target audience. Many of the things you already do on LinkedIn daily can help you find leads. You may only need to think a little more tactically to make the most out of your time on the platform.

Free LinkedIn Lead Generation Techniques

1. Post regular updates

Keeping your LinkedIn Page up to date is a terrific approach to stay top-of-mind with your connections. Your updates will display on their feed, resulting in organic advertising. Here are a few ideas for you,

– Repurpose the content you shared on other social media platforms.

– Add links to your site’s existing blog posts or resources.

– Share your thoughts on industry-related news.

2. Publish articles

Articles are the most effective approach to show potential clients that you are an authority in your field. Publishing articles on LinkedIn is a good idea as it has the following benefits to offer:-

– Your content appears in the news feeds of your connections and followers on LinkedIn and they may even get notified.

– Those who are not a part of your network can follow you after reading your article. This will help you get more followers.

– Anyone can search your article both on and off the platform if your profile is visible.

3. Join LinkedIn Groups

LinkedIn Groups usually have users belonging to the same industry. Professionals talk about the common interests they share, ask questions and express their thoughts there. Groups allow networking with prospects and showcase your knowledge by answering their questions and providing relevant resources. Most importantly, make sure that you don’t openly pitch your product as soon as you join a group. It will backfire on you. Instead, your focus should be on building a bond with the prospects.

4. Engage with certain groups of people

As a business, you have an ideal customer profile or ICP. It is better to find users who are a perfect match to it. You can then create a list of users you should begin connecting with.

Unlike other social media platforms, LinkedIn users prefer accepting connection requests from people they have interacted with. You have to look for other avenues to engage with them. For example, try leaving a comment on a post they have shared.

If your connection request gets accepted, you can start nurturing the lead by complimenting them or expressing your happiness for a new project they are working on. Slowly, you can introduce your product or service to them.

5. Ask existing clients for referrals

If you are looking for new leads, you can ask your existing clients for help. Try to get referrals from them as it is a great way to acquire leads. Therefore, it is a good idea to [build strong bonds with your clients] so that when you ask them for a favor, they will oblige you. Try your best to stay on top of their minds.. Connecting LinkedIn to your CRM and any automated lead scoring software can help you fine-tune and personalise your sales funnel. The best thing is that CRM updates dynamically, so you don’t have to keep uploading new CSVs.

  1. Make use of LinkedIn’s Matched Audiences

LinkedIn’s matched audiences function has targeting options that bring you business and professional data together. Matched Audiences include retargeting, contact targeting, account targeting, and lookalike targeting.

– Retargeting allows you to retarget the visitors to your website.

– Content targeting helps target a list of email contacts that you upload.

– Account targeting enables running account-based marketing campaigns. You can match the specific companies you wish to target against the millions of LinkedIn pages.

  1. Use Micro-Segmentation

To move leads down the funnel, you must address prospect issues, questions, or requirements they may have at the moment. You’ll need a more personalised approach for that. Micro-segmentation is the method for breaking down your lead pool into smaller subsets with shared characteristics. It recognises that what one group needs may not be what the other requires. So, you have to identify what each group needs and how helpful your solutions can be.

LinkedIn assists you in segmenting your audience by giving different landing pages for different target segments. You can organise your leads by geography, target industry, CPM, or any other criteria that makes sense to you.

  1. Utilise LinkedIn to its full potential with Sales Navigator

LinkedIn’s Sales Navigator aims to help advertisers track and engage with their LinkedIn leads more efficiently. It can assist you in identifying decision-makers, learning more about your current leads, and even suggesting new leads to customers.

PointDrive is a tool in Sales Navigator that allows you a variety of robust choices for tracking lead engagement and delivering customised multimedia content. You can also install a Sales Navigator plugin to your web browser to identify and show the LinkedIn profile information linked with any email address you connect with.

B2B LinkedIn Lead Generation Strategies

Instead of waiting for one particular strategy, we propose using a variety of techniques to get yourself established on the platform and in front of your target audience. Many of the things you already do on LinkedIn daily can help you find leads. You may only need to think a little more tactically to make the most out of your time on the platform.

Free LinkedIn Lead Generation Techniques

  1. Post regular updates

Keeping your LinkedIn Page up to date is a terrific approach to staying top-of-mind with your connections. Your updates will display on their feed, resulting in organic advertising. Here are a few ideas for you,

– Repurpose the content you shared on other social media platforms.

– Add links to your site’s existing blog posts or resources.

– Share your thoughts on industry-related news.

  1. Publish articles

Articles are the most effective approach to show potential clients that you are an authority in your field. Publishing articles on LinkedIn is a good idea as it has the following benefits to offer:-

– Your content appears in the news feeds of your connections and followers on LinkedIn and they may even get notified.

– Those who are not a part of your network can follow you after reading your article. This will help you get more followers.

– Anyone can search your article both on and off the platform if your profile is visible.

  1. Join LinkedIn Groups

LinkedIn Groups usually have users belonging to the same industry. Professionals talk about the common interests they share, ask questions and express their thoughts there. Groups allow networking with prospects and showcase your knowledge by answering their questions and providing relevant resources. Most importantly, make sure that you don’t openly pitch your product as soon as you join a group. It will backfire on you. Instead, your focus should be on building a bond with the prospects.

  1. Engage with certain groups of people

As a business, you have an ideal customer profile or ICP. It is better to find users who are a perfect match for it. You can then create a list of users you should begin connecting with.

Unlike other social media platforms, LinkedIn users prefer accepting connection requests from people they have interacted with. You have to look for other avenues to engage with them. For example, try leaving a comment on a post they have shared.

If your connection request gets accepted, you can start nurturing the lead by complimenting them or expressing your happiness for a new project they are working on. Slowly, you can introduce your product or service to them.

  1. Ask existing clients for referrals

If you are looking for new leads, you can ask your existing clients for help. Try to get referrals from them as it is a great way to acquire leads. Therefore, it is a good idea to build strong bonds with your clients so that when you ask them for a favour, they will oblige you. Try your best to stay on top of their minds.

