Dev Update — Connecting Battle Arenas and Gameplay to Lore (30th April 2020)

Adding history and stories through level design

B2Expand | Light Trail Rush
3 min readApr 30, 2020


Light Trail Rush is part of a bigger universe with lots of history, conflict and politics. With our core gameplay set in place, we are now implementing lore directly into the game and here’s how.

Concept art about the early mining exploitation of Ambrosium, set in the universe of Light Trail Rush.

We’re slightly tweaking the gameplay experience. When a player gets bumped off the road, it took quite a lot of time to get back into the brawl.

Instead of falling into an abyss, you’re now being sucked into a vortex and instantly placed back on the road. Thus, keeping the momentum going with a better sense of speed.

We’re making a significant change as well. Light Trail Rush will offer five different arenas. Each of them will represent a different era from the lore of Light Trail Rush, starting from the discovery of an asteroid developing into a more vibrant environment following the pace of the exploitation of precious Ambrosium.

When loading the game, you’ll see the arena’s name giving information on which period of the lore you can expect.

The procedural generation will stay unchanged.

The story

After centuries of space expansion, Ambrosium became the most coveted resource in the galaxy, the cause of conflict.

When the Pax Ambrosia Treaty ended the war, the defeated and battered Houses were forced to surrender all Ambrosium trade rights to the Konsortium. Even though the treaty brought peace, the unfair distribution of resources and power resulted in a growing underground rebellion against the Konsortium.

The Konsortium uses the Light Trail competitions as a peacekeeping endeavour to appease the masses. You can compare this with the Colosseum in ancient Rome.

Millions attend Light Trail competitions, and the sport is a popular form of entertainment as well as a political outlet.

Heroes of the Light Trail League bring hope and pride to the working class.

Ambrosium is a resource found on asteroids. All Houses would try the obtain these resources through mining operations. Space stations would form, while the Houses would gather as much of the valuable resources as they could. As a result, asteroids would go through three different stages: discovery, exploitation, end of exploitation.

(Below some concepts about the design of our battle arenas, our world, and our lore)

An asteroid cluster filled with Ambrosium (Concept design)
Early exploitation as one of the Houses starts gathering the valuable resources (Concept design)
As exploitation operations grow, the space city is taking form (Concept design)
Ultimately the natural resource Ambrosium has been collected, all that’s left is the result of space expansion (Design concept)

