2020 b4H AWARDS Nominees

b4H Community
Published in
4 min readDec 1, 2020


We would like to thank and acknowledge all the teams that enthusiatically applied for the b4H Awards this year. It was so incredibly motivating to receive such high quality use case applications of the blockchain technology; all clearly set to support the Sustainable Development Goals 2030 (SDGs) agenda. Thank you!

Since we have to go through a shortlisting process before the b4H team and the selected judges of this year conduct their assessment, we would like to introduce the shortlisted Nominees:

Bloinx (Mexico)
With Bloinx application people will be able to access interests free loans from their social Circle, in form of “rounds”, by paying a small fee, even if they are not able to obtain credit from financial institutions.

Origenes (Uruguay) The platform provides low cost identification system, where a newborn baby’s DNA is registered. It empower people to guarantee their right to know their biological identity at any situation. Guarantee biological-bonds which remain registered in an immutable system.

Wikibank (Spain) instead of donating money, you donate to a store located in a market in a deprived district, the donation is then converted into tokens and distributed to the most vulnerable.

Distributed Town (Italy) DistributedTown is a network of interconnected, self-sovereign communities that lets anyone to join an existing one, or create their own. Based on a mutual credit system, to switch from a system based on Money, to a system based on Value.

Bitcoin Beach (El Salvador) Creating a local economy based on Bitcoin. The project creates and promotes the means to access all basic necessities with Bitcoin thus allowing those at the bottom to participate fully. All initiatives focus on improving the education, job opportunities of the marginalized and empowering the youth to be changemakers in their community.

The Blue Organization (Spain) Promote cultivation of macroalgae and natural resources monitoring, licensing and traceability of the farming in the ocean,to issue blue bonds by Digital Blue Hub’s spaces to organizations, farmers, authorities and investors.

DADA Invisible Economy (USA) A platform which allows a global community of artists to create collaborative digital art driven by intrinsic motivations and receive a social dividend regardless of the free markets, while creating collective long-term wealth.

Exalti (Luxembourg) Exalti is a digital platform through which associations and NGOs but also companies can publish their mutual help requests so the other actors can lend them time and expertise to tackle the subjects.

Trustlines Protocol (Lichtenstein) Open source technology stack for P2P mutual credit. Instead of government money or bank money,Trustlines enables communities to create payment systems out of People Powered Money — in other words, using everyday

“I-owe-you” agreements based on trust.

Plasticoin (Uruguay) It´s a rewards program that gives value to the plastic waste and connects the generators efficiently with recycling chains.The project was created to reduce the impact of the excessive use of plastic and its accumulation in public spaces.

TRACE RX (USA) Platform to monitorize the flow through the supply chains in the context of humanitarian relief. TraceRx´s platform delivers granular insight into the supply chains responsible for these shipments and drives vision into eliminating this loss.

Fiscal Digital (Guatemala) When voting systems are no longer trusted, transitions of power in democracy are no longer peaceful. #Fiscal_Digital digitally certifies official election documents allowing anyone to access them in a tamper proof way and aiming to have trust-worthy post-election audits within less than 24 hours of polls closing.

Congratulations to the shortlisted Nominees!!!

What’s next?

Judges will cast their selection in the next days and the recipients of the b4H awards will be unveiled at LabitConf on December 11th.

Good luck to these amazing projects!!

Blockchain for Humanity (b4H)

Blockchain for Humanity is a decentralized, not-for-profit foundation that scouts, recognizes, supports, and receives donations to catalyze resources to social innovation projects applying emerging technologies on positive impact use cases while transforming businesses around purpose.

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b4H Community

Blockchain for Humanity is not-for-profit foundation that catalizes resources to projects building impact solutions using the Blockchain Technology.