#Coalitions4GOOD and IOVLabs, Buenos Aires, Argentina

b4H Community
Published in
3 min readMar 14, 2020

2020 brought the second edition of the #Coalitions4GOOD in Buenos Aires. This time around it was co-organized by RSK/IOVLabs and Blockchain for Humanity (b4H).

As expected, the event was a great success, attendees became aware and understood first hand the real social impact projects that have reached full implementation and witnessed how emerging technologies are supporting humanitarian needs. The agenda demonstrated the diversity focus and spirit with which the event was intended. The speakers as follow:

PHIECONOMY: Ale Sarwjugin presented his PhiEconomy project and explained about new economies based on purpose-related ecology, education, health etc.

DIDI PROJECT: was presented by its leaders, MIlton Berman and Javier Madariaga. They explained the applications of the technology and how they are changing the lives of people living in the Argentinian´s slams.

ARTISAN ORIGIN: Damasia Bohtlingk presented how the capabilities of Blockchain in the traceability area can unlock unprecedented value for Artisans and transform the artisanal value chain.

GENDER EQUALITY TALK: an excellent presentation on the importance of gender equality in the Blockchain Ecosystem among others, by Nora Paladino and Fiorella Scantamburlo.

We closed this insightful #Coalitions4GOOD event with a demo showing how easy donations can be sent to Bisblick NGO, an organization focusing on supporting exceptional students living in underprivileged areas of Buenos Aires; their support and guidance allow these students to stay focused on completing their studies, graduate, get their first job and become valuable citizens and contributors to the society. b4H supports the use of cryptocurrencies to facilitate the donation process and was the first one to donate. Small but meaningful implementations such as this one, allow NGOs and Charities to reach out to a greater number of supporters that support their mission.

We are always proud to witness small advances on the use of Blockchain technology enabling positive impact.

Thanks to our South America Angel and Core Team Contributor, Ivan for making this happen!!!❤️🦄 and special THANKS to IOVLabs for co-hosting and supporting the #Coalitons4GOOD movement!




b4H Community

Blockchain for Humanity is not-for-profit foundation that catalizes resources to projects building impact solutions using the Blockchain Technology.