Off we go…hacking for #Coalitions4GOOD @Web3Summit 2019

b4H Community
Published in
3 min readJun 25, 2019

We working towards developing an awesome program for our hackerspace at the next @web3summit on 19–21 Aug in Berlin.

Welcome to the #Coalitions4GOOD Node

Blockchain for Humanity and its #Coalitions4GOOD partners are gearing up this summer.

Why are we doing this?

This node will drive the power of Coalitions towards a Common GOOD.

We believe that responsibly designed blockchain solutions can unlock transformative change in society and improve the lives of billions of people worldwide.

The Coalitions4GOOD node is working hard to reveal content around Contributors to the construction of a world and a society that is more transparent, fair, environmentally friendly, and inclusive through the use of Emerging Technologies.

The idea is to stimulate a very much needed open dialogue (round tables) between entities, individuals, and organizations driving initiatives and concepts that lead us to a more equitable society and sustainable environment while inviting all to share views on solutions that contribute to the achievement of the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.

We encourage Collaboration and Coalitions4GOOD as we are conscious that divided communities from different protocols, resulting in silos (as we see today) will not allow us to succeed towards achieving the greater vision. We seek to connect the dots and link projects that can potentially co-create/co-develop and gain from synergies no matter the underlying infrastructure.

Want to join the movement?

A two-day program is being developed along this theme during the 2019 Web3Summit taking place in Berlin on August 19 to 21st.

What is the Coalitions4GOOD node about? Where do you fit in?

The Node will drive 3–4 focus areas:

1- Coalitions4GOOD Round Table discussions

We are inspired to bring together representatives of protocols, investors, lawyers, entrepreneurs, designers, thinkers, developers, hackers and anyone who believes they can add value to these discussions. The round table conversation will be moderated around problems/solutions that can help achieve the Sustainable Development Goals agenda for 2030.

2- Positive Impact Projects Use Case presentations

This is a great opportunity to showcase projects that are working on positive impact. Project teams will have the opportunity to present their ideas, concepts, and solutions to drive transformation for a better world.

3- Coalitions4GOOD presentations

We welcome the participation of NGOs, Foundations, Associations, Charities, etc. to present initiatives and concepts that help drive the values: transparency, inclusiveness, empowerment and open source. We want to hear from you and support your cause!

4- Impact Enthusiasts

We are excited to bring together the movers and shakers of social impact to share the real capabilities of the blockchain technology.

How to Join?

Excited about joining the movement? Please fill out this application form (


  • On July 15th, we will close application submissions.
  • On July 31st, we will communicate to the contributors and share the program details by August 5th.
  • Once you have been confirmed as a contributor, we will ask you to send your presentation or any documentation to be shared at the sessions no later than Aug 15th.

Is this ok with you? Let’s DO IT!

Join the #Coalitions4GOOD Telegram group for updates.

See you in Berlin!


The Blockchain for Humanity Team

About Blockchain for Humanity (b4H)

b4H is a not for profit foundation with the mission to drive positive impact projects using the blockchain technology.



b4H Community

Social Innovation Activist,@Blockchain4Humanity, @b4H, Emergin Tech and Purpose-Driven development makes the new generation of Conscious Sustainable Businesses