The b4H 2019 Awards Selection

b4H Community
Published in
8 min readDec 9, 2019

2019 has been a remarkable year for b4H and no better way to close it than with the third edition of the #b4H2019AWARDS!

The process was thorough; we received 44 applications that initiated a careful review and assessment activity, this included video interviews conducted with most applicants around the world, and classification of the information gathered. We felt excited by engaging with the applicants and appreciated their openess to share with us detailed information about their projects as well as their dreams and challenges.

We find the short-listing step anything but easy; long hours of debate consumed most of the b4H team’s time. We are grateful to rely on the support of the b4H Contributors who are also involved in this activity. This year we tested a more formal approach to the selection and incorporated the use of a blockchain-based voting app Polys. It gave us excellent results, making the voting process easier for the Judges, in multiple locations around the world, and ourselves.

But until this point, we have just described one part of this critical phase, the other part involves the coordination with the Judges and Communications. We were particularly fortunate to count on a group of 16 distinguished Judges that share our passion for the impact that technology can help create in a non-zero sum approach that effectively expands the pie to everyone. The judges with the mandate to select Awardees amongst 20 nominees, effectively use their diverse background and experience to register their final selection.

We are excited to introduce the 2019 b4H Awards Judges that had the difficult task to make the Awards selection:

2019 b4H Awards Judges

Jennifer Wines
Jen Wines, b4H2019 Awards Judge

Jennifer Wines / USA

Vice President, Advisor at Fidelity Private Wealth Management in Manhattan. Business Development & Strategy for a philanthropic, think tank. Sits on two boards, with the following missions: NYC’s largest hunger-relief organization, and empowering youth with interactive and life-changing projects. Massachusetts licensed attorney and Certified Private Wealth Advisor® via Chicago’s Booth Business School. Fulfilled by collecting and connecting the dots to help others further their goals.

Matti Liukas, b4H2019 Awards Judge

Matti Liukas / Switzerland

The CEO at Consensus Capital, an investment firm driving digital transformation through decentralized Innovation Networks. Matti has a love for the disruptive nature of emerging technologies, like Blockchain, which, when coupled with his background, positions him ideally to advise and guide technology businesses at any stage of their development. In addition to being a judge, Matti shared his experience in digital innovation as a b4H mentor.

Leo Elduayen, b4H2019 Awards Judge

Leo Elduayen / Argentina

Co-Founder and COO Koibanx, Fintech company, which develops Smart Contracts & Blockchain services for financial institutions. Leo helped create decentralized communities and advocated the use of bitcoin and Blockchain in his public speaking engagements. He continuos raising awareness on the impact of technology on our daily social and economic life and how to build proper regulatory environments leading to pro-sociality movements.

Ale Banzas, b4H2019 Awards Judge

Ale Banzas / Spain

Computer Science Engineer, developer, former Technical Evangelist in the Innovation and New Technologies team in Microsoft for Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay; now head of Developer Relations in IOVlabs (RSK+RIF). In support of Blockchain for impact, he advocates the use of new technologies in a way that can bring benefits for society. Ale is an early supporter of b4H and part of the mentoring program.

Solange Gueiros, b4H2019 Awards Judge

Solange Gueiros / Brazil

A rockstar, Blockchain Developer, Solange has mastered the Ethereum protocol from experts around the world. She uses this powerful knowledge and capability to educate young aspiring developers as well as professionals in her home country, Brazil. Solange is a valuable Mentor and Contributor to the b4H ecosystem.

Enrique Alvarado, b4H2019 Awards Judge

Enrique Alvarado Hablutzel /Switzerland

Bamboo BLOC fund Manager, he serves at the Innovation Advisory Board at UNLEASH — Innovation lab for SDGs. A Blockchain for Impact enthusiasts and entrepreneurs committed to developing the social entrepreneurial ecosystem in Emerging Markets and build the entrepreneurial & innovation bridge with Switzerland. Enrique works closely with startups, accelerators, business angels, investors, universities, and government institutions to spark change and innovation.

Rocelo Lopes, b4H2019 Awards Judge

Rocelo Lopes / Global

Serial entrepreneur, founder of da Othos Telecom,, e Stratum Blockchain Technology. Innovator and pioneer of the movement in support of Cryptographic Technologies. Rocelo has supported b4H from inception and continuous to be an instrumental advocate of the b4H Foundation’s work.

Efrain Barraza, b4H2019 Awards Judge

Efrain Barraza / Argentina

Strategic Partnerships Advisor — Blockchain Consultant — LABITCONF Co-Organizer. Efrain is a well-rounded professional with experience on Blockchain solutions Product development. He is a volunteer on several non-profit organizations and an early contributor to b4H’s Mentorship program.

Carla Walker, b4H2019 Awards Judge

Carla Walker / Switzerland

Investment Manager, Bamboo Capital Funds. Carla focuses on identifying investment opportunities in underserved markets and sectors while generating attractive financial returns and improving millions of lives in low-and middle-income countries.

David Johnston, b4H2019 Awards Judge

David Johnston / USA and Switzerland

Managing Director of Yeoman’s Capital, a serial tech entrepreneur and early contributor to the Blockchain. He co-founded the first crypto angel investment group, BitAngels. John is the author of “The General Theory of Decentralized Applications,” which defined the “Dapp” term for the industry.

James Miners, b4H2019 Awards Judge

James Miners / Switzerland

Senior Advisor at Fongit, serial entrepreneur, co-founder of 4 startups, Angel Investor, and a Catalyst of innovation, which serves well in his mission to build successful startups. James is a recognized Startup Coach with a focused approach to sustainable businesses.

Amit Pradhan, b4H2019 Awards Judge

Amit Pradhan / San Francisco, USA

Chairman, Zero / AI; President, Silicon Valley Blockchain Society; GP, JetVentures; Responsible Leader, BMW Foundation; Board Member, Norwegian Refugee Council USA. A seasoned contributor to sustainable impact and the Blockchain ecosystem with invaluable experience as an entrepreneur and investor. He is passionate about technology, startups, and systems that have a positive impact on the humans they serve.

Alejandro Narancio, b4H2019 Awards Judge

Alejandro Narancio / Uruguay

A rockstar Software Solution Architect, CEO at Infuy. Alejandro is a passionate advocate of Blockchain and technology. He has been active in the Blockchain ecosystem for more than six years. His mission is to solve real problems using technology. A perfect match and alignment with the b4H mission and an ideal contributor and mentor for social impact projects.

Raphael Mazet, b4H2019 Awards Judge

Raphael Mazet / United Kingdom

Raphaël is a social tech entrepreneur at the convergence of the blockchain and impact sectors. He is the CEO of Alice, a startup that leverages decentralized finance to bring transparency to social and environmental ventures. Raphael is an early adopter of Blockchain and believes in the power of technology to solve significant social challenges. b4H considers a model for many aspiring concepts being developed in support of the SDGs.

Ariel Muslera, b4H2019 Awards Judge

Ariel Muslera / San Francisco, USA

Ariel has over a decade in the Venture Industry wearing multiple hats. An entrepreneur, investor, and advisor with valued experience in emerging technologies. Ariel shares with b4H a sizeable active network of investors (angels and Venture Capital) from Latin America and Silicon Valley.

BongAn Ha / S. Korea

Architect at the ICON Foundation. An experienced Crypto-Economic architect, entrepreneur, and internet platform specialist. BongAn is b4H Angel for S. Korea, who co-leads a team of contributors while actively raising awareness of social impact Blockchain use cases.

The b4H 2019 Awards will be revealed on December 13th at Labitconf

About the Latin American Bitcoin Conference: It is the most anticipated annual meeting for all players in the region. It gathers the most relevant speakers from the Blockchain ecosystem to show the roadmap of the next developments that will change the industry. Labitconf is the home of the b4H annual Awards.



b4H Community

Social Innovation Activist,@Blockchain4Humanity, @b4H, Emergin Tech and Purpose-Driven development makes the new generation of Conscious Sustainable Businesses