Embracing the never satisfied user and the healthy feedback loop

How unsatisfied users can be better than quiet users

Ellie DeCaprio
B6 Engineering
3 min readNov 11, 2020


When creating products we sometimes strive for a result where the user is so satisfied, they’re silent. And when that holds true — when we observe no feedback along with high user adoption on a new product — it can be a cause for celebration. It means we created a simple, easy to use product that warrants no complaints or questions.

But if our goal is for silent, happy users — we’re settling.

We should want never satisfied users.

Let me first clarify that when I’m talking about the never satisfied user, I’m not talking about the vocally dissatisfied user who only leaves 1 star restaurant reviews on Yelp. Nor am I talking about the justified dissatisfied user, who becomes frustrated after using an objectively bad product… I’m talking about a user who always feels comfortable providing constructive and respectful feedback to you because they trust you will deliver better solutions as a result. In other words — ‘a healthy feedback loop.’

The key to a healthy feedback loop requires a desire to hear non-praising feedback.

We need to be able to hear it when we thought a feature was great but our users poke holes right through it. We need to always be open and willing to take criticism because we’re going to hear it. And when we do, we can react in the following ways:

  1. Be stubborn and ignore it. Go about business as usual, and never truly collaborate or push the limits of possibilities… (basically just be average).
  2. Take it personally, which we all know will likely lead to eventually giving up or quitting in a rage, depending on our personality type.
  3. (Our choice) Embrace it. Learn to enjoy it. Take it as a compliment that someone thinks we’re good, smart, and strong enough to hear it. And when this trust exists on both ends, this critical feedback can help create some really great products.

When we embrace constructive feedback, we see our users not only satisfied, but actually excited, engaged and empowered because they helped build what they’re using.

Now to truly yield innovative results, we also need to always ensure an avenue for feedback, and seek it out, even when our users are silent and satisfied. This second half, I’ve learned, is really what separates the good products from the great.

Our users possess skills, expertise and knowledge that we do not, and vice versa. So rather than be content with our silent, satisfied user, this is where we need to lean into them as much as possible and uncover anything that could be improved. By doing this, we’re creating more work for ourselves, but this is the space where innovation thrives, and this is the work we want.

I think we’ve all experienced a product that satisfied users for a while, and then, did not. A PropTech product, or any product, will never withstand the test of time without improvements. So by accepting silence, it’s only a matter of time until something new gets thrown into the mix to make your satisfied users turn frustrated — now you’re behind the 8 ball, even potentially blindsided, instead of already on top of it, or 1 step ahead.

My favorite part about being a Product Manager at B6 is that our Product/Engineer team serves a single, in-house, purpose: help B6 Brokers find and close deals with the help of products and data. This format of B2C allows our feedback loop to be strong and direct. When the brokers like something, we hear about it. When they don’t, we hear about it. Both in an immediate, candid fashion. This allows us to deliver the most needed and desired features quickly, efficiently and highly tailored to our specific users.

And honestly, I can’t think of any type of relationship that doesn’t thrive without transparent communication, regardless of its ‘positiveness.’ Whether it be a healthy romantic relationship successfully navigating the Holidays with in-laws, or a Product Team and Commercial Real Estate Brokers creating new, innovative features together, we know that being able to give and receive feedback allows everything in life to blossom and grow into their full potential.



Ellie DeCaprio
B6 Engineering

Big Picture Thinker & Common Ground Seeker. Also funny.