Open source vs closed source — when does it make sense to take your work public?

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3 min readDec 6, 2023

Within the software development world, the decision of open source and closed source is a crucial choice for developers and organizations using the software. There are multiple benefits and disadvantages for both of these options along with hybrid options, and most of the time the decision to use which type of solution depends on multiple factors, ranging from project goals to community collaboration, to business strategies and security issues.

Open source as a way of collaboration and innovation

When developers open source code to public, this allows the code to be further developed via public collaboration and community engagement, fostering innovation. There are so many global talents available and willing to solve problems that open source can enable exponential growth by tapping into these skills from around the world. By allowing external contributors to see and modify the code, the developers can benefit from their perspectives and achieve faster development cycles and testing along with rapid bug fixes. Unleashing this potential for collaboration and innovation also contributes to the development of the software and coding field in general.

By allowing this transparency and knowledge sharing, developers can contribute to the growth of other developers and unlock new potential, which is crucial for the sustainability of development. Learning from others and developing their coding skills through these open source project often excite software developers who are eager to grow further in their fields. Open source projects can become knowledge hubs for others to benefit from, developers to engage with one another and problem solve and build a community around coding.

Closed source as a safe way of storing intellectual property

In contrast to open source, closed source focuses on protecting the software from the public and safeguarding the intellectual property along with the business interests tied to them. Companies might prefer this in order to keep their proprietary algorithms and technologies private and maintain strict control over the software. This would allow them to have the strategic advantage compared to their competitors, especially for industries where proprietary solutions and customized software features are relatively costly to develop and expensive to lease. Closed source software solutions can also be monetized by the owner through licensing fees, support contracts or subscription models to other enterprises. By generating extra revenue through their closed source, company can pay out the development cost and fund the ongoing maintenance of the software, while also keeping their innovation in-house and sustaining security and confidentiality of private information.

The decision to opt for open source or closed source is highly contextual and depends on what the organization or developer wants to achieve as well as their values. In today’s world, where collaboration and innovation are increasingly valued, open source has emerged as a powerful catalyst for success and become a driving force behind innovative projects. Collaborative nature of it taps into the global pool of talent and fosters a growth environment for all developers to take advantage of and contribute to. However, the strategy of safeguarding intellectual property and maintaining full control of the innovation are also equally valid reasons for choosing a closed source model instead of a public open source one, avoiding public exposure of developed technologies. Moreover, organizations can also chose to adopt a hybrid approach where select software is open source and certain elements are closed source depending on the sensitivity of the code and its use. This strategic flexibility to adapt to specific needs offers organizations seeking a balance between latest innovation and control a solution. A nuanced approach to enable organizations to tailor their software development strategy based on the goals of the organization allows the organization to maintain the sensitive information while keeping up with the industry dynamics. By embracing this dynamic approach to solving problems and creating the necessary software solutions within the organization, organizations can position themselves better against navigating complex issues involving software, data and user privacy, storage and spreading of sensitive information and protection of intellectual property.

Software is undeniably a crucial player in the success of a company in the modern age, affecting its efficiency, productivity as well as customer interactions. Choosing wisely not only avoids potential problems in the future but also ensures the safety and security of private data, unlocking the sustainability and resilience of an organization in a technology dependent landscape. While open versus closed source can seem like a simple question, the software choices lays the foundation for long-term growth and adaptability in today’s enterprises.

