Redefining MBA Education in the Age of AI: The ChatGPT Dilemma

Hoshito Nakamura
Published in
4 min readNov 11, 2023

Introduction: The Role of ChatGPT in MBA Education

In the realm of MBA education, the integration of artificial intelligence, epitomized by tools like ChatGPT, presents a duality of opportunity and challenge. This article delves into the ethical dimensions and practical implications of AI in business leadership, questioning whether MBA students should leverage such technologies for academic assignments or exams.

The Emergence of AI in Academic Settings

January 2023 marked a pivotal moment in the academic world: ChatGPT successfully completed a Wharton Business School test. This event did not just showcase ChatGPT’s potential but also spurred debates about its role in academia, particularly in reducing academic workload.

Responses varied: while some institutions felt threatened by this innovation, others, like Columbia Business School, adopted a proactive stance. Columbia implemented a Generative AI Policy, mandating explicit instructor approval for AI tool usage in assignments or exams, ensuring transparent and constructive integration of AI into academic processes.

Advantages of ChatGPT for MBA Students

ChatGPT, with its rapid data processing and synthesis capabilities, is revolutionizing MBA programs. It aids students in comprehending complex concepts and theories quickly, an invaluable asset given the intensive nature of MBA coursework. Furthermore, a September 2023 BCG report highlighted ChatGPT’s enhancement of creativity in academic projects, though it also noted a decrease in problem-solving performance.

Generative AI Significantly Boosts or Hurts Performance, Depending on the Ytpe of Task — BCG report September 2023

The interaction with ChatGPT offers a practical opportunity for MBA students to acquaint themselves with AI, a crucial technology in the business world, fostering essential digital literacy skills. This engagement enables students to discern tasks suitable for AI assistance and those requiring human input. A complete prohibition of ChatGPT might impede the development of these skills, crucial for modern business education.

Just as PCs and cloud technology became staples for enhanced productivity, AI tools like ChatGPT are likely to become standard in the business world. MBA students, by engaging with ChatGPT, refine their business acumen and emerge as leaders well-equipped for the evolving business landscape.

Disadvantages of ChatGPT in MBA Programs

However, the integration of ChatGPT into MBA programs is not without its drawbacks. Over-reliance on ChatGPT risks hampering the development of essential skills like analytical reasoning and independent problem-solving, foundational to the MBA curriculum and crucial for effective business leadership. Furthermore, the variability in ChatGPT’s response quality and contextual accuracy can lead to a superficial understanding of complex subjects, potentially affecting academic integrity.

Transformative Educational Practices for MBA Schools

To address these challenges, MBA schools need to redesign their classes. Implementing screen-monitoring tools for controlled use of ChatGPT during assignments and tests, and incentivizing active participation and verbal contributions in classroom discussions, could be effective strategies.

Incorporating ChatGPT into the curriculum in a balanced manner can be beneficial. Allowing its use for preparing reports and presentations, followed by student presentations relying on their own knowledge, ensures that students harness AI benefits while developing critical leadership competencies.

Expanding the Context: AI in Historical and Future Perspectives

To fully grasp the implications of AI in MBA education, it’s instructive to draw parallels with past technological advancements. Historically, each significant technological leap, from the introduction of personal computers to the advent of the internet, initially met with skepticism and fear, eventually became integral to business and education. ChatGPT and similar AI tools are likely following a similar trajectory, representing a natural progression in the digitization and automation of information management and decision-making processes.

Looking towards the future, the impact of AI in business goes beyond education. AI’s integration into MBA programs is a precursor to its broader adoption in various business sectors. The skills MBA students develop today in navigating AI tools will become essential in the workforce, where AI-driven analytics, decision-making, and innovation will be commonplace. This evolution necessitates a curriculum that not only incorporates AI but also emphasizes the development of skills that AI cannot replicate, such as emotional intelligence, ethical decision-making, and creative leadership.

Conclusion: Balancing AI and Human Ingenuity in MBA Education

The journey of MBA education in the age of AI is not about choosing between human intelligence and artificial intelligence but about finding the optimal synergy between the two. The goal for MBA students and institutions should be to harness ChatGPT’s capabilities responsibly, using it as a tool to augment human intellect and creativity, rather than as a crutch. This balanced approach is key to cultivating digitally literate, innovative, and ethically grounded business leaders who can navigate the complexities of a technology-driven world. Schools bear the responsibility of guiding students in this direction, supporting their development as future leaders in the business world.

In conclusion, the incorporation of AI like ChatGPT in MBA programs should be seen not as a dilemma but as an opportunity to redefine the essence of business education, blending traditional learning with futuristic technologies to prepare students for the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century.

