The Need for an Unbiased Digital Media Platform

Catie Cole
Published in
3 min readDec 6, 2023

In today’s digital world, technology’s intersection with media consumption has become a double-edged sword. On the one hand, technology has transformed how we access and interact with information, breaking down geographical barriers and giving voice to many new perspectives. The Internet, our smartphones, and the many social media platforms have brought about an era of easy access to information, connecting the world in ways we never imagined.

That all being said, the same tools that have opened up these channels of information are also largely responsible to the spread of bias. It has become increasingly difficult to sift through sensationalism, clickbait headlines, and algorithm-driven newsfeeds that often bury objective reporting… leading to a reality where we are constantly uncertain in the accuracy of the content we are consuming.

This realization (that technology in media is currently so significantly beneficial and detrimental) leads me to advocate for the creation of a bipartisan digital platform that delivers unbiased and factual information as a public good.

I believe that this perspective aligns closely with the objectives of our ‘Digital Literacy for Decision Makers’ course, because understanding digital literacy is more than just knowing how to use technology; it is about critically engaging with the content that technology presents to us. Advocating for a bipartisan media platform as a public good is a step towards fostering a responsible digital environment, where media literacy is essential.

Demand for Technological Solutions to Media Bias

The need for a bipartisan digital platform stems from the growing concern about media bias and its impact on democracy. An interesting survey by Gallup and Knight Foundation reveals that while 81% of Americans see the media as “critical” or “very important” to democracy, nearly half perceive significant bias in media reporting​​. This stat is a reflection of society’s growing skepticism in technology & media, which has profound implications…When nearly half the population doubts the objectivity of their news sources, it does not just erode trust in those specific outlets; it undermines the credibility of the media as a whole.

This is where the need for a bipartisan, technologically advanced platform comes into play…not just another news app or website, but a groundbreaking approach that leverages the best of modern technology (algorithms, AI, blockchain, etc.) to ensure that information is not only publicly accessibly, but also factual. The hope would be for this platform to not be another echo chamber, but rather to serve as a source of objectivity.

Current Media Environment

In today’s media environment, where news consumption is often mediated through social media and algorithms, there is a tendency for echo chambers that reinforce existing biases rather than fostering independent, unbiased views​​. This landscape is further complicated by the speed and volume of information we encounter daily, with 68% of Americans reportedly feeling inundated by the mix of news and non-news online​​ (as found by the Gallup and Knight Foundation survey). This information overload complicates our ability to process and evaluate the news we consume, often leading to a sense of fatigue and cynicism.

Historically, public service broadcasters like the BBC have set the standard for unbiased news dissemination. Today and in the digital age, platforms like ProCon and AllSides are pioneering efforts to combat media bias. ProCon, for instance, presents opposing viewpoints on various issues, enabling readers to form their own informed opinions​​. AllSides has its own unique “Media Bias Rating” and provides readers with a spectrum of political perspectives, helping to break down “filter bubbles” and encouraging productive dialogue​​.

These platforms are not just tools; they are part of a larger movement towards a more informed and balanced media consumption. They represent the kind of technological and editorial innovation that is necessary in today’s world, offering diverse perspectives and encouraging critical thinking.

Implications: The Impact of a Tech-Driven Bipartisan Platform

The creation of a bipartisan digital platform could significantly influence society and the economy. Imagine a go-to resource where all information is not only accessible but also balanced and fact-checked. This is crucial for garnering and nurturing a politically literate society. With 83% of Americans believing that media has the power to bridge political divides, this platform could become a unifying force in a deeply divided society.

Such a platform could play a pivotal role in restoring trust in media. By consistently providing factual, unbiased information, it would rebuild faith in news as a source of reliable information. In doing so, it would not only serve the immediate needs of its users but also contribute to the larger goal of strengthening democratic institutions and processes. The creation of this tech-driven, bipartisan platform therefor represents a step towards a more informed, ethical, and cohesive society.

