Bulent Rauf on Humility and Oneness

Exploring the Spiritual Insights of Ego Transformation and Divine Realization

Bab Al Ilm Editors
Bab Al Ilm
6 min readAug 16, 2024


Photo by Fabrizio Chiagano on Unsplash

In the vast expanse of spiritual traditions, humility is often cited as a cornerstone for true wisdom and enlightenment. Yet, the depth of this virtue goes far beyond simple modesty or self-effacement; it is the very foundation upon which the edifice of spiritual growth is built. The teachings of Bulent Rauf, as captured in his “Addresses,” provide profound insights into the role of humility, the ego, and the realization of oneness with the Absolute Existence. These concepts challenge our understanding of individuality and offer a transformative path for those who seek a deeper connection with the Divine. In this exploration, we will delve into these ideas, uncovering their significance for both seasoned seekers and those new to the path of spiritual inquiry.

Humility as the Foundation for Spiritual Growth:

Humility, in its truest sense, is not merely about lowering oneself in the eyes of others; it is about recognizing the inherent limitations of the ego and the intellect. In Rauf’s teachings, humility is seen as a prerequisite for any genuine spiritual growth. Pride in learning, if not tempered by humility, can become a barrier to true knowledge. It is only when pride is transformed into dignity through humility that the soul becomes receptive to higher truths.

Rauf emphasizes that the ultimate purpose of all study and spiritual practice is to bring one to the realization of their “essential oneness” with the One and Only Absolute Existence. Here, the term “essential” signifies not only the core essence of one’s being but also the origin and ultimate reality of existence itself. This realization, however, is not a mere intellectual assent to a theory or concept; it requires the complete humility of the ego to accept this knowledge and internalize it as a living truth.

The Concept of Oneness:

The idea of oneness with the Absolute Existence is a central theme in many spiritual traditions, but it is often misunderstood or superficially grasped. Rauf’s teachings provide clarity on this profound concept. True realization of oneness is not just an abstract notion; it is a transformative experience that redefines one’s very identity.

When one comes to the realization of their essential oneness with the Divine, it implies the dissolution of the ego’s sense of separate existence. This is not to say that the ego is annihilated in a literal sense, but rather that it undergoes a profound transformation. The ego, which once perceived itself as an independent entity, now recognizes itself as an extension of the Divine Ego, or the “Nafs” of the One. This realization is not merely intellectual; it must be felt and lived. As Rauf notes, “The realization of oneself being a differentiation and individuation of the One Absolute Being re-creates in one an individuality which is beyond comparison; unique; since none of His individuations or manifestation are ever alike, nor ever repeated.”

The Role of the Ego:

The ego, or nafs, plays a paradoxical role in the spiritual journey. On one hand, it is the very obstacle that prevents us from realizing our oneness with the Divine; on the other, it is through the transformation of the ego that this realization becomes possible. The ego’s resistance to acknowledging its non-existence as a separate entity is the crux of the spiritual struggle.

Rauf explores this paradox in depth, explaining that the ego, by admitting its non-existence, does not disappear but is instead transformed. It becomes an extension of the Divine Ego, a unique individuation of the One. This process is akin to the Sufi concepts of “Fana” (annihilation of the ego) and “Baqa” (subsistence in God). The ego, by surrendering its illusion of autonomy, gains a new and deeper significance. It is no longer the center of its own universe but a reflection of the Divine Reality.

This transformation is not merely a theoretical or intellectual exercise. It requires the ego to surrender completely, not just in thought but in the deepest recesses of the heart and soul. The ego must accept that it does not exist as a separate entity, but as an extension of the One. This acceptance is not a passive resignation but an active realization that brings about a profound inner change.

The Illusion of Individuality:

One of the most challenging aspects of spiritual realization is the recognition that individuality, as we commonly understand it, is an illusion. Rauf argues that the loss of individuality is, in fact, illusory. When one truly realizes their oneness with the Divine, they do not lose their individuality; rather, they discover a new and unique individuality that is an expression of the Divine.

This new individuality is not a return to the old egoic sense of self, but a completely transformed identity. It is an individuality that is fully integrated with the One Absolute Being. Each person, as an individuation of the Divine, is unique and unrepeatable. This realization brings a profound sense of satisfaction and fulfillment to the ego, but it is a satisfaction that is grounded in the recognition of one’s true nature as an extension of the Divine Ego.

However, this realization also comes with a caveat. The ego, in its newly intensified state, must constantly remember its essential unity with the Divine. If it fails to do so, it risks falling back into the illusion of separate existence. This is where the practice of humility and constant awareness becomes crucial.

Transcendence and Immanence:

The spiritual journey is not just about realizing the immanence of the Divine within oneself; it also involves the recognition of the transcendence of the Divine. Rauf explains that transcendence is where the ego finds the satisfaction of its deepest desires: grandeur, compassion, and the eternity of the Divine Ipseity. However, this satisfaction must be balanced with the awareness of one’s essential unity with the One.

The interplay between transcendence and immanence is a delicate one. It requires a constant awareness of both aspects of the Divine. On the one hand, there is the realization of the grandeur and compassion of the Divine, which elevates the ego to a new level of understanding. On the other hand, there is the recognition of the essential unity of all existence, which keeps the ego grounded in humility.

Rauf emphasizes that this balance is maintained through constant “awareness.” The moment one loses this awareness, they lose their connection to transcendence and fall back into the illusion of separation. This awareness is not a passive state but an active, ongoing practice that requires vigilance and dedication.

Practical Applications:

The teachings of Bulent Rauf are not merely theoretical but are meant to be lived and experienced. To this end, he provides several practical exercises to help individuals internalize these concepts and apply them in their daily lives.

One such exercise is self-examination. Rauf suggests reflecting on a recent situation where one felt a strong sense of pride or self-importance. By reexamining the situation through the lens of being an extension of the Divine Ego, one can gain a new understanding of the event and their reaction to it. This exercise helps to shift the focus from the ego’s need for validation to the recognition of one’s true nature.

Another exercise involves consciously approaching every situation with complete humility for a day. At the end of the day, one is encouraged to journal about their experience, noting any changes in their interactions or perceptions. This practice helps to cultivate the humility that is essential for spiritual growth.

Finally, Rauf offers a contemplative activity that involves spending ten minutes in quiet reflection on the phrase, “I wrapped myself in flesh and bones and appeared as [Your Name].” This meditation helps to shift one’s perspective on their own identity and existence, moving from a sense of separation to a recognition of oneness with the Divine.


The journey of humility and realization is not an easy one, but it is the path to true enlightenment and spiritual fulfillment. By surrendering the ego and embracing the realization of oneness with the Absolute Existence, one can discover a new and profound sense of individuality that is both unique and divine. These teachings, as articulated by Bulent Rauf, offer a guide for those seeking to deepen their spiritual understanding and live a life of true humility and awareness.

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