The All Aspecting Self

Antwan Linton Penn
Bab Al Ilm
Published in
2 min readAug 11, 2024

An Avant-Garde Poetic Inquiry & Meditation

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The All Aspecting Self

When it comes to observations, thoughts, and emotions,
I always have it that there is something going on here
that I do not completely understand, and that’s OK.
In that way, my words and conversation become a vehicle of exploration —
observation for the mere joy of it, like people-watching.

But what if we take this further?
What if, as Pure Consciousness, I experience myself as
an aspect of consciousness,
an address of consciousness,
a unique reference point in space and time,
an individuating spark of awareness?

Then my pleasure becomes awareness experiencing Itself —
moving within Itself, referencing Itself,
as aspect, aspecting Itself.
Subjectiveness objectifying Itself…
a mirror aware of its own ability to reflect…

My mind is a planet, my emotions, my nation.
My thoughts are my state, county, and city.
My body, my zip code, and my sense organs, my address.
And that’s how karma finds me —
a love letter…incantation…to myself…
perpetually traveling through the cosmos,
arriving at the door of each incarnation…

I stalk myself from beyond this life —
the Watcher, the Witness…
infatuated, beyond space and time,
seated at the Planck scale…subtle…
and measurable, floating on zero-point energy…
frictionless, and economical…

My homing pigeons, my message in a bottle —
they’ve tallied all of what I’ve done, and shall do,
then shipped it across lifetimes.

© Antwan Linton Penn 2024. All Rights Reserved.



Antwan Linton Penn
Bab Al Ilm

Exploring world consciousness through poetry, research reflections, & travel tales. Join me in sharing poetic responses to life's inspirations. #ResearchPoetics